
Posts Tagged ‘profession’

Xinnovations 2010 – Workshop Viral Learning

July 16th, 2017
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Learning itself create and customize without authoring tool, licenses or programming Berlin, 02.09.2010: the concept of “viral learning” is based on the image, as in businesses and schools via corridors, knowledge imparted schoolyards and Geruchtekuchen is quick and easy. The workshop “Viral learning” shows how SCORM-compliant learning modules directly from a wiki out can be created and edited. This has the following advantages: learning modules without authoring tool produce, transparency of the workflow, improved coordination between the various actors in the editing process, version comparison, rapid customization and editing of content. The featured technical and didactic innovations to help companies and further educational institutions to create their own learning content itself and to customize without programming knowledge, authoring tool, or licenses. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Mitchel Resnick. The focus of the workshop formulated by structura & Lernmodule.NET entitled, operational and educational learning using Web technologies, modularization of Content and content-sharing to make as easy and inexpensive as possible. Learning and inform organizations must take place there, where operational procedures require it, as well as the people allow it.

This requires maximum flexibility on the technical side. The learner should place can determine time and pace yourself and want to know managers what actually happened and what is needed. Quickly incorporate already now can become company via Java script existing modules from different development contexts in the own inter – or intranet embed in any existing learning platform such as eg Moodle. story. In addition, company via an integrated authoring tool can create content themselves. In addition, examples are presented by mounted and available learning modules in the workshop. Vorteilhalft is, that just settled is minute-exactly what is actually used by the employees. In addition, existing or created content can be shared with industry partners.

Evaluation and Feedback through the student employees can evaluate the entire training module as well as comment on individual pages. The results are privacy compliant be evaluated. A major help to learn what useful from the point of view of the employees is perceived as relevant and didactic. This approach is being tested in the workshop. Experts explore various application scenarios in the hospital, health, training, administration and associations with participants. The Xinnovations profile of Xinnovations see themselves as a permanent forum of innovation for network-based information technologies. Free according to the motto “Better by Networking” the supra-regional network Xinnovations e. V. developed numerous activities throughout the year, to forge alliances for technology innovation and to stimulate innovative collaborative projects. The highlight is the annual Conference of Xinnovations at the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. Contact viral learning Christian workshop for further information and registration at Lippmann shareholder structura GBR spokesman Working Group E-education in the Xinnovations e. V. Tel.: 030 / 434 00 520 email: Xinnovations contact: Rainer Thiem Xinnovations e. V. Kleist street 23-26 10787 Berlin Tel.: + 49 30 21001 470 email:

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New Ways In The Temporary Work

March 11th, 2016
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University research project opened College in Munich the newly-founded Institute for arranging temporary workers the FOM of management & information systems, mis shortly”. The research focus of mis is in the IT support staff processes E.g. through E-recruiting. The current research project eMarkt time work deals with the high time and money spent on the placement of workers in temporary work. Also HR4YOU and other practice partners are involved in the development of an IT solution. How can costs in temporary work I reduce? Much about cost, equal pay and the new industry charges is discussed in the work environment.

One of the HR4YOU customers now offers a job board for temporary work as a new model under Here temporary workers and companies can complete online employment via the service provider Advola. This approach eliminates most of the usual organisational processes. Advola can this financial advantage from a lower internal cost structure in the form of lower factors, to customers, and in the form of higher salaries on temporary workers share a classic win-win situation so. HR4YOU provides the technical implementation as a market platform the technical implementation of the project has worked out HR4YOU along with Advola. A combination originated from job board with job advertisements from companies and from a candidate portal with candidate profiles. Temporary workers have to convey are almost even in this way the possibility and to look for new jobs rather than to get a position proposed.

Customer can select suitable candidates on the basis of the existing profiles. Technical solution for automated negotiations since late 2010 from the higher education research project Advola and other partners such as HR4YOU work together with a research team of the FOM University of Munich under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ricardo Buttner market platform for the provision of temporary workers. Within the platform, it is planned to be an automatism of the negotiations between the parties on salary and Performance facilitated and minimized as the organizational effort. Goal is to optimize the placement of workers on existing sites time and financially. The project is supported by the Federal Ministry of education and research under the aspect of promotion of employment. Contact information/press contact HR4YOU Solutions GmbH & co. KG schulstrasse 1 91320 Ebermannstadt Tel: + 49 (0) 9194 72522-0 fax: + 49 (0) 9194 72522-20 contact person: Tina Kaiser company profile HR4YOU heard since the year 2000 the leading software suppliers for human systems, all processes around resources management human resources supply and demand efficiently and sustainably optimize. The product – and service portfolio covers software application for companies in the area of recruiting, personnel consultants and service providers as well as job and labour market portals. Due to many years of experience in human resources and the labour market, HR4YOU offers a symbiosis of human resources economic and labour market-relevant know-how in Connection with an excellent background of IT.

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