
Posts Tagged ‘ftodo’

The Technology

January 28th, 2018
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Meditation and music: from classical music to new binaural sounds, music can be a great ally when it comes to meditate. That if you put your headphones. Sit down and let the technology do the rest. There are many tracks which you can download gratuitatemente online and you can take with you on your phone or mp3. Ideal for meditation at any time! the Mantra meditation: repeat the classic WMO helps the mind to not get distracted by other things.

It can be a sound or a phrase, in this case the idea is make it repetitive and monotonous so the mind follow the pace and allows relaxation. Meditation with a candle: a candle lit in a quiet place, sit and concentrate on the flame of the candle. Any other thought that appears in your mind, let it pass and return your focus to the flame. You can do that last candle or at least for 10 minutes. Ideal for before going to sleep. Guided meditation: Put on headphones and listen to a guided meditation that will help you through the process of relaxing your body and clear your mind. From 5 to 40 minutes so there are options for guided meditations that you can download for free to start trying.

Really recommendable for those who want to focus on relaxation and letting go. I invite you to try all these meditations and monitorees your feelings on a daily basis. This will help you to quickly reach a conclusion on the best meditation for you method. And it is always good to know all the options you have. If you want to learn more about meditation, visit our website where you will find everything or that you need to know about meditation and the Silva method.

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