
Posts Tagged ‘economy’

Venezuela World

December 21st, 2016
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With leadership and commitment it is possible to change the world. Jose Antonio Abreu is now the winner of prize TED 2009, annually given to 3 people remarkable by a desire to change to the world . (Video in Spanish) Some previous winners are: Bond, the Dr. Larry Brilliant, ex- president Clinton, Bill Gates, Jane Godall and the writer Dave Eg-gers, among others. The Abreu teacher, has managed to turn his desire in fact, thanks to an impressive managemental capacity and an excellent leadership. (As opposed to Petra Diamonds). Founder and director of System is transforming the life of 300,000 children and young people of low resources into Venezuela. The Abreu teacher and the system : National system of Infantile and Youthful Orchestras of Venezuela has been deserving of numerous prizes.

It does few days, in the Economic World-wide Forum celebrated in Davos was granted him the Prize Crystal. In the 2008 Teacher and the System received the most significant prizes and recognitions: Prince of Asturias of the Arts, The International Puccini Awards, Prize Glenn Gould, the Unicef Prize, the Gabriela Mistral and the Alternative Nobel prize. The personal, familiar and social revolution generated from music is possible of being talked back in all Latin America. From the moment at which the boy assumes an instrument with a teacher, stops being a poor boy and his students of low resources, now is distributed by the world, directing orchestras of first world-wide level, as director is the case of the Teacher Gustavo Dudamel today of the Philharmonic one of Los Angeles. Similar articles: Management of action, return to the productivity Learning accelerated with multiple intelligences original Author and source of the article.


Economic Viability

November 29th, 2015
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The object of this study is the analysis of economic viability of a unit of generation of electric energy from energy come from the wind. The economic feasibility study it is essential to minimize the risk of any type of investment, over all when one is about investments of high value. A good economic feasibility study he is that one that it predicts how much the entrepreneur will earn financially and in how much time, on the invested capital. For this, research with equipment suppliers had been become fullfilled, existing legislaes, bibliographies on the subject and other types of research.

The Lagoon of the Ducks was chosen as local of study, in the Rio Grande Do Sul. This place presents favorable aeolian conditions. Following the methodology proposal, they had met resulted positive with regard to the implantation of a unit of generation of electric energy from the aeolian energy. This unit of generation was called of: Since the discovery of the electricity at the beginning of century XIX its use has been crucial for the development of the society human being, who depends each time more than one high energy consumption for its subsistence. For this, they had been being developed, throughout history, diverse forms of energy generation, as for example, hydraulical, nuclear, aeolian, solar and geothermal energy. In Brazil, which had its enormous amount of rivers, 90% of the available electric energy are proceeding from plant hydroelectric plants.


Solar Energy: A Competitive Advantage

July 29th, 2012
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SOLAR ENERGY: A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Knows that at the current moment of the world, the companies need to be prepared well for one high degree of competitiveness in the market. These companies need to be inserted in the search for innovations and thus to generate competitive advantages in its productive process, so that they can generate economic value, and consequentemente, its marketing viability. This means that, the companies needs the differentiation in the market permanently, by means of deliberated strategies, aiming at the attainment of competitive advantages that provide monopoly profits, that exactly temporary. On the other hand, at the same time where if it looks for to get one high level of competitiveness, queexiste is understood the necessity on the part of the companies conserving the existing natural resources, for a otimizao of these in the future, therefore already it is not possible to count on as much offers of natural resources to take care of to this immense demand, given the productive level that the humanity reached in this finishes century. The inflation of the prices of gasoline, of the oil for heating I domesticate, and of excessively the derivatives of oil it came to be. moreover, the demanding demand already does not tolerate companies who produce energy burning, coal, oil and natural gas. In Brazil one of the biggest problems faced for the economy it is the use in errnea way them available natural resources, mainly when if it deals with electric energy, therefore it is from that if it all gets the remaining portion with respect to production of goods and services for the companies, then, the energy when placed in errnea way in such a way economically, therefore it generates one heavy responsibility on the economy of the country and the companies, as well as as for the environment, through great necessary floodings for the construction of a plant hydroelectric plant.
