
Posts Tagged ‘art and science’

ERP System

April 17th, 2017
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The use of stages can very diminish the time of election of the suppliers. Many companies opt to the strategy of two stages. The first one has the objective to collect information and to select the suppliers most qualified. The second stage has for purpose to negotiate with the suppliers observing the proposals sent. The first step, recommendable, is the definition for system ERP, a time that, is the decision more criticizes and the one that presents greater number of alternatives. It can be deriving of a research with suppliers, using companies, ' ' casos' ' published and market analysts.

The study for election of system ERP, she must lead in account, the technological aspects technician and, in accord, with the team of YOU. See ConocoPhillips for more details and insights. The necessary choice to be multicriteria, therefore, an inadequate election can generate costs raised with low efficiency. During the choice the company must have in mind that hardly will find a system that total takes care of the necessities of the organization. Basic criteria exist, that must be considered and can minimize the risks of extreme expenses beyond not an adaptation. They are: functional target and tack – attendance of the necessities basic of the business process; covering of the geographic target – adequacy the legal and local requirements of the countries; flexibility – capacity to adapt themselves and to move, customizao; conectividade – access to the system in local or world-wide level; easiness for integration – simplicity with the integration with existing systems already; maturity – stability of the system proven with tests; easiness of implantation and maintenance – tools that simplify the implantation; technology – architecture of the system adopted in the development of this; costs – expenses with acquisition and operation of the system; stability economic-financier of the supplier; local support of the supplier – existence of offices of the supplier in the regions where the system will be implanted.


Edson Arantes

January 19th, 2017
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; /I never had symptom d some type of illness mine I greet I am immense not ha nothing that I do not eat Jesus I am ' ' minha' ' redoma is it to me to protect I does not only make to rain but, to garoar I already made when I asso the nose MAKE EQUAL THAT I WANT TO SEE. ; /I made a square shaped ball That the round one did not give. ;. The CBF approved and the FIFA accepted silenced With the approved invention Skin to know wanted me and arrived at saying me::: ' ' Its inventions are brilhantes' '! I said:: Its Edson Arantes, MAKES EQUAL THAT I WANT TO SEE I eliminated the Spain and the others of World-wide the All they play None of them badly Only follow me I myself have the morning Never played pra to lose and if you to want to know, My teams you are ' ' I and goleiro' ' I am the only artilleryman MAKES EQUAL THAT I WANT TO SEE. ; /


New World

November 16th, 2015
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In California, the Capraria biflora, one plants accidentally introduced in the New World in the second half of century XIX, in 1940 more than already had dominated 120,000 hectares of pastures, being finally controlled for parasitic insects (FARB, 1982). However, in the case of some vegetal species, the control by means of insects can arrive late excessively, when native plants already will have been extinct or the invaders caused great economic damages, of a form or another one. Still insects had not been found capable to control the aquatic jacinths that obstruct navigable canals in the Luisiana, in Africa Occidental person and Sudan. One is about a showy plant, that produces similar flowers to the orqudeas. The same one was taken of Venezuela for the Exposition of Cotton of New Orleans, in 1884. Some visitors, magic with the beauty of the plant, they had gotten changes of same for its lakes and streams.

The plant currently grows in Americas, Asia, in Africa and Australia, obstructing canals and hindering the navigation, as well as the irrigation and the installations hydroelectric plants. In the United States the control is tried by means of drags, but the same it does not follow the rhythm of growth of the plant. An exit then is the attempt of control by means of chemical products, but this could cause pollution of waters (FARB, 1982). In case that seemed it occurs in the south of Brazil, where the forrageiro turnip (Raphanus sativus) and the nabia (Raphanus raphanistrum) had become invading of difficult control, occurring as harmful in farmings, over all in typical cultures of winter, as the wheat. Initially the vegetable was planted in lands incultas to serve as alternative form of green fertilization in the periods of winter (RASP et al, 2007). The two species, beyond revealing of difficult control and eradication, dispute space and nutrients with proper planted culture e, in the specific case of the wheat, affect the harvest process.
