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State Model

May 29th, 2012

In accordance with the Ministry of the Communications, currently only 17.8% of the domiciles have access to web. It has three proposals in debate: a state one, a other private and mixing. 1 – State model Defended by the Ministry of the Planning, the state model foresees that all the net is under control of the Telebrs what it would give conditions of being charged a value below of what it is offered by the great companies who offer Internet service. The value to be charged by the federal government would not exceed monthly R$ 35,00. Moreover, the public company would manage the net and would directly venderia services of broad band to the consumer. The Ministry of the Communications evaluates that, a time that the government made all the investments alone, it is who deserves to be with the control of the net. In this scene, the Telebrs would act as a competitor of the established companies already, as NET, Oi, Telephonic and GVT. Point the favor: The government will have total freedom to define prices and to use its net with social purposes, beyond pressuring excessively teles private to improve its services and selling at a loss its prices not to lose customers for the Telebrs.

Negative point: It would be the concentration of all the investments in the public power having the risk of the state model not to be most efficient to take care of the consumers. 2? Model of Manages Private also Defended for the Ministry of Communications, the private model would deliver great teles the infrastructure of the new net. However, to take web until the agricultural zones and small cities, the federal government would offer tax incentives to compensate teles for taking care of regions where it does not have economic interest. Moreover, the project of the PNBL foresees the sharing of the mobile nets in moved away regions, diminishing the cost of teles. Point the favor: It will allow to the attainment of private investments and the delivery of the management to the company that already have expertincia in the sector. Negative point: It would not have the increase of the competition in the sector and it would not guarantee low prices for the service, since teles would have freedom to define its prices.

3? Model of Manages Mixing Defended in this case for the Ministry of the Civil House, the mixing model would leave all the management of the net under the cares of the Telebrs. However, the public company would not take care of directly to the consumers, but only small suppliers. Thus being, these companies it is that they would be responsible for the service of last mile, that is, taking the connection until the house of the user. The State could operate as supplier only promptly, in the agricultural regions where it did not have interest of private companies. Point the favor: The model would finish creating thousand of new competitors in the sector of broad band to compete with the traditional companies. Negative point: It would not please to the interests of teles and would concentrate all the investments in infrastructure in the public sector.


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