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Interesting Information About Engineering

January 31st, 2012

Interesting information about the engineering of hot pipes, I'll give you everything I know about boiler tubes ARCs. Starting from the concepts, especially those derived varieties and finished tubes. I also talk about the concept of hot-tube and some information about the firm realizes the pipe. This article will tell you more about one of the plants and the various engineering proivzoditeley pipes – about texnomet What pipe? As I said wikipedia pipe – this is a cylindrical body with a different profile in cross section (there are profilyne and round tube) and in the middle. Typically the pipe is much more l and its radius. This feature is caused by appointment of various pipes.

. Their methods of preparation produce pipes ARCs usually made of metals, their alloys, various organic matters, such as resins and plastics, and some other materials. Manufacturing technologies boiler tubes are many: a way of welding, rolling and drilling as well as centrifugal casting. More like about these methods, discuss the following: Welding is a common method, but it has drawbacks. This technology is as follows: Take a metal sheet and fold the sheet into a tube (one layer), then a special welding machine – welded sheet, make the welding seam of a spiral. Pros method is its relatively democratic costs. The negative side of the weld method is that the seam of the tube turns a vulnerability, and that it may fail in popularity is the production of quality pipes by rolling – this is one of two methods by which you may receive this type of pipes as seamless. The method of rolling material on special machines, so the hole is formed in the center.

Pros of such pipes is obvious – have a higher safety factor, such products are often installed on the most difficult places in which leakage can not be allowed, such as gas and oil industry balloons. Sorry, but this method – is very expensive upon receipt of metal pipes and it is mainly for softer materials such as plastics. following the method of creating seamless pipe ARC – casting methods. In two ways: casting material in the form of a rod inside and after cooling in the middle of the hole is obtained by casting or centrifugal force. Casting in the form of less expensive, compared with the centrifugal, but the second method, the metal fibers are arranged in a circle and the pipe has dopolnitlnuyu strength. Finally, the last final before us is drilling methods. ie in the rod drilled hole technology. In this method, a large proportion of the chip is that a drawback. For this reason, for drilling large pipes are rarely used. It is used usually for a barrel guns and hollow machine parts. Copper Plastic Pipe Polyethylene pipes of polybutene Steel if he wanted to stay on steel tubes and the main types of tubes: Seamless pipes and electric, but these types of you have already read the top paragraph, however, the first pipe are hot and cold deformation, it is beyond repair: hot tube to deform at higher than the recrystallization temperature. These tubes are obtained by means of rolling. They are made of steel different brands, such as 20, 45, 10G2, 20X, 40X, GOST 8732-78, etc. .. mat pipes are also cold, but at a temperature below the required minimum. There boiler tubes Another thick-walled pipes are divided and walled. Thick-walled pipes in locations where the pressure is higher than usual. The use of pipes, the pipes in the industry, water supply, mechanical engineering. The largest is the oil industry.

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