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Business Decisions

May 17th, 2012

The Decisions of the Games of Companies: Fulfilled these etapaspreparatrias, it has beginning the game. It consists of the repetition detantos cycles how many the administrator of the game to judge convenient educational aosobjetivos. In each session, one supplies each company, umconjunto to it of reports that consubstanciam the reached results pelaequipe in function of its decisions and the ones of its competitors in the aulaanterior. Analyzed the previous results, the pupils argue alternativasde action and take the decisions pertinent, aiming at appeared aproveitaroportunidades, to correct imperfections and to reach the planned one. Tendodecidido what to make, its decisions in a form register apropriadoque is supplied them by the administrator of the game. 4.

Processing of the Decisions: The calculation of the values of 0 variable to aserem definitive for the decisions taken for the teams and the resulted apuraodos are made through the equations that compose the model. At this moment, the use of technological apparatus reveals as umaferramenta that it confers agility in the dosresultados feeding and calculation, as well as precision and trustworthiness of the gerados2.Tais data results are the reports to be distributed to the teams and given osnovos historical. This cycle is repeated during the course, as many how much foremnecessrias times to the fulfilment of the didactic objectives. The administrator dojogo looks for through the dialogue and of the analysis, to guide the teams nosentido to make to recognize them the instruments and techniques daadministrao would help that them in each one of the situations that vosucessivamente if configuring throughout the simulation, stimulating them, thus, to apply and to test the knowledge acquired during ocurso of Business administration. Moreover he requests, periodically, reports of specific management and works with afinalidade to force them it the reflection on the activities that being estodesenvolvendo, looking for, thus, to prevent that the instinct of ‘ ‘ to gain ojogo’ ‘ if it overlaps to the learning that must derive from the participation nasimulao. In traditional education, it is observed that the main paper is desempenhadopelo educator, personage with raised envolvement degree and that to desejaensinar, for its disciples, supported in its proper experiences.

It establishes collective educational objectives, guided for classecomo one all. Permanentede keeps in progress lesson by means of the generation external stimulatons. Acting in such a way, it creates individualistic and a competitive one ambienteeminentemente. In the existential learning (through games of companies), the papelprincipal is dislocated for educating, that it starts to be the center doprocesso, of education differently. This facilitates a envolvimentomaior, for the desire fomented in the search of ecooperativa competitive learning. The work in group prevails on the individual apresentaoexpositiva and of the instructor. Contents are exercised doeducando and of the educator. The process is paved in the reasons of the educandos, in an environment that defies, at the same time where it receives, combinandomomentos of dispute and union between the educandos and them and oeducador. Much evolved in the Brazilian scientific production of last the 15 anosa respect of games of companies and existential learning. Although to setratar of one cinqentenria technique, its application if intensified nasltimas two decades, mainly for the computational dosavanos proceeding easinesses. This text looked for to make one briefing revisobibliogrfica of the opinions of the main Brazilian authors arespeito of the didactic technique of porjogos education and proportionate learning of companies.


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