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Used Solar Panels

March 20th, 2016

Against the high prices of new solar panels, used solar panels are a good alternative for access to the benefits of solar energy. The disadvantages are basically two, one is the work of search and select panels used for good quality in good condition, the other is the need to know the technical foundations of the photovoltaic panels to make a good choice. It is essential to verify its correct operation to be sure to be buying a fully functional and durable device. Then we have on the one hand new photovoltaic panels, with good guaranteed performance and very high price, and on the other hand used, affordably priced but with uncertainty about the use you have had and your future performance if technical issues involved are not known. Personally I’ve always preferred new products, especially when we speak of electrical devices, but in this case I can not, or even thinking about buying a new photovoltaic panel. I researched in forums and blogs related to solar energy to acquire the technical knowledge that would allow me to buy good used panels. I found lots of information, very varied and sometimes contradictory, making it difficult to establish a clear selection criteria.

I also found something unexpected, information of people who had assembled their own panels and had them working properly. It was solar panels built at home with new parts at a surprisingly low cost. The next step in my search for cheap solar panels was directing my shopping towards the construction of photovoltaic panels. After a week had a lengthy list of manuals, guides, programs and sites that offered all the assistance necessary to build solar panels at home. I thoroughly studied all the information gathered and it left me no doubt, I definitely chose this surprise third option, build myself my solar panels with new parts. Having said that, I want to share my search result, desiring to heart that this information is useful for those seeking change to clean energy and significantly reduce their costs of energy supply. In the link that I put at the end is an explanatory account of which is, in my opinion, the best existing option in terms of photovoltaic systems construction. It is a professional, detailed guide, cheap, with technical support and provided with step by step videos designed so anyone can follow the instructions, regardless of the lack of technical knowledge or the level of English.


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