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Extrasolar Planet

March 19th, 2016

Astronomers claim that the extrasolar planet, called MOA-2007-BLG-192-L b, may have a mass, is only 1.4 Earth masses – less than half its initial value. Observations over the next few months will test this hypothesis. Most of the famous 'exoplanets' is a huge gas giants the mass of which is hundreds of times greater than the mass of the Earth, and which were discovered by detecting the "sweep" exoplanets which initiate in their parent stars. And yet, researchers have discovered a planet and the star, using the method of gravitational microlensing. This is when two stars are arranged in a line perfect From the point of view of observers who are on earth. When the two stars will be on one line (line of sight) of stars in the foreground, will serve as the lens, amplifying and deflecting light rays coming from a more distant star. Watching the change in brightness, astronomers can learn a lot about the nature of both stars, like the one that is in the foreground, and one that serves as a backdrop.

In this case there was an additional gravitational distortion, caused by a planet orbiting the foreground star MOA-2007-BLG-192L, and the data recorded by this distortion, the astronomers could identify in their data. However, an analysis of all these events requires a lot of time, because it is necessary to take into account many variables, including the size of planets and stars, the distance between them and the distance from Earth. Originally a group of researchers suggest that the star-host is brown dwarf – an object that is too small to sustain nuclear fusion, as occurs in normal stars.

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