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The Focus

December 20th, 2013

However, the person with depression screams alone; I feel the pain in my soul, I feel an inner fire that burns me in my heart and in my chest I can’t stand this pain. Is a pain of the soul how we will be able to describe it? How? Impossible..! Depression of the evolved, starts to lose interest and loss of desire to be within society, the hues become pale, there is no taste for anything. The cruelty that is seen in society and how humans relate, injustice and indifference makes them feel bitterness and despair, then a current strange will lead them to a cave, a cave is flooded with more depth and gravity.Desire to cry and not mourn its wings are frozen fear… The concerns by others. They open their eyes just before dawn and while everyone sleeps is the worst moment of the night fear and haste relatively intense that les knock the soul the focus of his thought starts to weaken remain in isolation until it reaches the most critical stage when they say in society not worth worth nothing nothing..

Then insist on insulation and at this stage the most critical that feels like a living or dying wondering desperately because die? How to be? Then dominates a force, they break than usual, come out of the boundaries that other experience them as normal will discover that the root cause of her depression is not wanting to become a few worms and that were born to be butterflies with feeling and thoughts that all want to achieve. Since then his life changed, leave the cocoon, where beautiful butterflies that fly and fly gloriously, sowing colors and senses in the eyes of others came back. The person with evolved depression symptoms are very sharp, nobody knows how torment, nobody, except another who suffered the same thing. The symptoms must not be taken lightly or be less compared with whims of the rest or even trying to push them to live like worms in the society. Dear mine, not be aflijan then if you have this type of depression, because you are only able to understand the profound meaning of life then.

.. of the delicacy…of the loveliness of the preciousness of well-being. Experience with this kind of pressure will give them ownership for drinking more sweet nectar from the flowers, and extend its roots into the Earth to absorb all the necessary elements for the continuation of the great mysterious wonder of evolution.

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