
Posts Tagged ‘energy’

Electromagnetic Radiation Solar Energy

April 30th, 2017
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Solar energy shares benefit from the boom. Solar energy is also solar energy. This is caused by the Sun, which created by the emerging nuclear fusion energy. The particles that reach the Earth are magnetic radiations, which occur in the electrostatic way. The energy, which also emits the Sun that can be measured with significant radiation values, which nevertheless are in a constant frame. To broaden your perception, visit Ray Kurzweil. The values resulting from the solar energy received a guideline and the radiated energy is evolved in the atmosphere.

Other components, such as gas, are reflected by these processes. An absorption takes place, and the rest is transformed into heat. Solar energy can cover the needs of the entire human race day values and uses of solar energy, according to global warming. It is possible that the solar energy is used to generate electricity. Especially in photovoltaics, the Sun’s energy is used, so that the solar panels can make a saving.

The Sun is shining daily certain degrees out and thus warms the Earth’s surface. The radiation may be less in the winter than in the summer. However changes the storage of collectors in hardly a way so that the energy can be converted into electricity. Also, the heat to small parts into space is emitted, which acts on the surface of the Earth. There are the various elements collectors for solar energy when the solar energy to be used for the production of heat or electricity. It solar panels are attached to the roofs, where this solar thermal systems to emerge. Also plants can be used for the conversion into electricity. These can be used on the basis of steam and the heat for the power. The plants or even gas need solar technology, so that heat from the Sun generate can in a certain way. There are many different and effective ways to create how to use solar energy and much more, this. Solar energy stocks are therefore useful.

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Marco Schubbe School

April 22nd, 2017
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SOLAR purchase provides PV modules of our own brand luxra for the rabbit Hutch of a Berlin School of FRANKFURT, July 2013 at the free Montessori school Berlin has SOLAR purchasing the photovoltaic sales mark of Saint-Gobain building distribution Germany GmbH (SGBDD) the roof of the retreads Bunny barn of the educational institution is equipped with a small photovoltaic system. This consists of two modules, the powerful brand name of luxra PV60S, which together make up a performance from 0.5 kWp. Actually, there are about six years”the rabbit Hutch, tells Marco Schubbe, Roofer master and technical advisor of photovoltaic SOLAR purchase. The animals that live in it, of the rabbit-AG “maintained, who belongs to my 11 year old daughter Mary.” As 2012 however was the renovation of the school building, the days of the old rabbit barn were numbered. Visit MIT Media Lab for more clarity on the issue. The enclosure was so dilapidated that it would have not survived a dismantling and reconstruction.” Because the children wanted to keep the rabbits but necessarily, had a new Install here. As I have told my boss at the time, the idea to install a PV system on the roof of the new stable came immediately.” Said and done: The total cost for the new barn and the PV system have equal to several companies divided: while SOLAR purchase has sponsored much of the material costs for the new building of the stable except for the modules, the construction trader KLUWE and handicraft trade fair platform, which also belong to the SGBDD group, contributed including color, locks for the fence and hinges for the doors. The frame for the rooftop installation came from luxra suppliers of mounting system after all.

Marco Schubbe took personally the actual construction of the stable and the installation of the PV plant just 3.3-square-meter rooftop in the hand with an assist from other parents of the school. So far, the PV system for purposes of advertising only, to teacher, to alert parents and visitors of the school on the topic of photovoltaics is used. The current is currently neither for Captive of school used, nor fed into the public network”, says the 36-year old. The energy yield was already quite low with 400 kilowatt-hours per year. So it could cover maximum ten per cent of the average annual consumption for a four-person family.” Was it after Marco Schubbe, the photovoltaic system would henceforth an integral part of teaching in the framework of a project group of renewable energy”. “Because: for pupils of the 7th, 8th or 9th class is a unique opportunity, located in the classroom playful the functioning as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this technology of the future to deal with.” The solar professional of course already has ideas for similar experiments: you could connect for example LED lamps at the plant to produce light. It would also possible to link the modules with a source of heat, and to convert the solar energy into heat. Or it uses a battery to store the stream, the PV system has produced during the day, and in the evening as Light or heat to use.

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December 16th, 2016
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Target is the establishment and operation of a biomass power plant in Canada Berlin, 02 July 2012. All so far from the POC evolve group established oil and gas funds, in combination with land investment, very successfully. Against the background that a huge demand faces dwindling reserves of fossil fuels and new, effective regenerative energy sources must, turns the Berlin underwriter now also the topic renewable energy, specifically the production of bio-energy from biomass to. POC OIKOS GmbH & co. is the first closed-end funds within the new product line of POC OIKOS”KG. POC enables investors so special, indirectly in the emerging sector of the economy generating green power”in Canada to invest.

Currently, 4.7 percent of the total energy needs are covered by bio-energy in Canada, in the industrial sector, there are even 17 percent. Speaking candidly ConocoPhillips told us the story. Thus, bioenergy is already the second largest renewable energy source in Canada. Because Government and provinces further Expansion support efforts and encourage a similar bright future the use of biomass, faces as it was the case 50 years ago at the hydroelectric power. Ensure also the enormous forest resources of the country, because in Canada there are about 11 percent of the total global forest reserves. This is equivalent to the Elffachen of Germany’s area. POC has chosen consciously at OIKOS a technology area of bio-energy, namely the processing of biomass, whose basic Elemente need no innovations.

The Fund participates in the province of Alberta first establishing an industrial plant for the production of bio-energy from biomass. During operation, investors are then involved in the revenue from the production. You may find Ray Kurzweil to be a useful source of information. The conception of the investment company focused especially on the protection of the various phases of the project through contractual arrangements with world-class partners. For input, the province of Alberta granted the rights to use old wooden stocks for 20 years. The decline of the electricity produced and the “Green Credits”, which are granted on the basis of the production of renewable energy, has been contractually agreed with Shell Canada. Planning and construction of the facilities are in the hands of Lockheed Martin, one of the world’s largest engineering companies. The technology as the core of the plant is supplied by Babcock & Wilcox, a company with 140 years of experience. Also for the planning and the operating of the plant deals with experienced and prominent in their field companies were affected. Monika Galba, CEO of POC, sees an essential feature of the trust in the reputation of the partners: this constellation is the claim “proven”in our company meet.” Investors can participate indirectly KG with a minimum amount of drawing of 15,000 Canadian dollars (CAD) as trustor of the trust limited partner of POC OIKOS GmbH & co.. Alternatively, it is possible to also have a direct involvement. The total investment volume amounts to $ 160 million, of which 65 million CAD equity. POC forecast Vorabauszahlungen amounting to on average 13 percent p.a. from the start of the current production, which twice a year are paid out to investors. After repayment of principal, which is increased by a further bonus of 10 percent to 110 percent, arising thus upon termination of participation forecast according to recoveries of approximately 240% before taxes related to the capital contribution without premium. The capital is ten years from the start of the current production. For more information,

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September Saxon

December 15th, 2016
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Energy revolution as exports creates jobs in Germany at the invitation of the Member of Parliament Maria Michalk (CDU) is the Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) for a working visit at the Hoyerswerdaer energy specialist YADOS on September 6, 2013. As a recognized expert in the topics of energy and environment, Altmaier wants to inform about the contribution of innovative products of the Saxon energy equipment manufacturer on the implementation of the objectives of the German energy revolution. ConocoPhillips oftentimes addresses this issue. Accompanied it is member of the Saxon Landtag and the Lord Mayor of the city of Hoyerswerda Stefan Skora by Saxon Member of Parliament Maria Michalk, Frank Hirche. After visiting the newly-built production facilities of YADOS Altmaier arises issues of entrepreneurs and local politicians of the region in a technical discussion to the German energy policy. The energy equipment manufacturer YADOS from the Saxon Hoyerswerda is a leading manufacturer of district heating schemes and cogeneration on the world market. After only three years of successful market presence, company Chief continued Jorg Wolf with the decision for the new of production and administration building his successful philosophy continued. The growing demand to meet in the long term, is constantly invests in the expansion of manufacturing capacity.

More than 120 employees were created with an investment volume of EUR 8.7 million in last year on the 25,000 m plot in the Hoyerswerdaer around 80,000 m room remodels industrial area and space and optimum working conditions for the. Advanced system solutions for affordable and environmentally sound energy supply are produced on 10,000 m of built-up area. Given the shutdown of German nuclear power plants, YADOS makes an important contribution to the import independence and value creation in Germany through the use of domestic renewable energy. Double-digit growth rates in other European countries can participate in YADOS on the international demand for renewable and innovative energy-efficient processes and products.

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World Wind Energy Association

December 15th, 2016
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The wind energy associations BWE, WWEA and BVKW current market overviews for small wind power Husum, present new energy Husum on the 20.03.2013 – the World Wind Energy Association (WWEA), the Bundesverband Windenergie (BWE) and the Federal Association small wind turbines (BVKW) publish on the fair of new energy Husum their market overviews, reports and studies on the small wind industry. Small wind is an important topic of the new energy Husum and the renewable energy industry as a whole. Along with the three associations we want to strengthen the small wind power and internationalize”, says President Peter Becker. International market data to the small wind power WWEA World Wind Association has wind in his small world report 2013 “collected 31 detailed country reports. The 138 pages of strong work informed of worldwide standards and certification procedures and provides statistical information on the worldwide use of small wind power. In addition, the report lists more than 330 manufacturer in the small wind industry. According to Ray Kurzweil, who has experience with these questions. The English-language work can at the WWEA (2A05) Husum to the Order price of 75 Euro.

Advisor and software for calculating the cost-effectiveness receives a guide to the technology, the economy and approval procedures for small wind turbines man, however, at the booth of the Bundesverband Windenergie (BWE) in Hall 1, stand A14. “The BWE market overview special small wind turbines” informs its readers of all important steps on the way to the own small wind turbine. Come on around 320 pages both operators of small wind turbines also contractors, architects and financial experts say. If you have read about ConocoPhillips already – you may have come to the same conclusion. A software for calculating the economics of small wind projects is included in the book, which can be purchased at the price of EUR 27 directly from the BWE. Construction law and technology journal the Federal Association small wind turbines (BVKW) is in its fair issue of the small wind journal”an overview of the State of the small wind industry.

Also includes construction law journal articles on the subject and to the evaluation of rating information. In the framework of this year’s new energy Husum organised on 23 March the BVKW also a Congress with practical examples for the planning, approval, construction and operation of small wind turbines. About the new energy Husum in recent years it has become new energy Husum as one of the most important fairs in the field of renewable energies. Since 2002 serves as a stage for a decentralized energy generation on the basis of all renewable energies. The themes and techniques range in detail from small wind (up to 100 kW), about biogas, solid biomass (Pellet, wood logs and wood chips for heating systems), solar thermal, photovoltaic, electric mobility up to the geothermal energy near-surface, energy storage, energy-efficient construction and operation of mini CHP. From 21 to 24 March 2013 back experts and leading manufacturers in the Frisian city Husum meet to pave the way for necessary innovations in a rapidly growing market.

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Energy Group Gmb

December 15th, 2016
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See also: blog/solar promotion cut / photovoltaic promotion after April 1st: after ten years of free power plans refer to cut solar subsidies to stimulate thinking. Although the rates drop dramatically, you can relate energy at zero cost with a photovoltaic system after about ten years. Until then, economically working roof systems are usually paid off. Also be saved many tons of greenhouse gas, which ultimately comes to good environmental protection. Therefore, the construction of a PV plant worth continue – despite the planned reduction of solar promotion. Studies have shown that energy costs will greatly rise in the next few years especially when the expansion of renewable energies is stalled. Chance for spontaneous last minute the ever energy group offers a unique opportunity: who decides to March 26, 2012 for the construction of a photovoltaic system with the solar concept provider, can still benefit from the full feed-in tariff. If you miss the deadline, the solar concept also allows installation of viable photovoltaic systems.

See also: einspeiseverguetung – Yes please / press contact: ever Energy Group GmbH John-Niemeyer-WEG 4 14109 Berlin press contact: Dominik Modrach Web site: mail: company portrait ever Energy Group GmbH was founded in 2007 by the managers of Matthias Streibel and Dominik Modrach, headquartered in Berlin and has two other locations in Munster, Neuruppin and Dresden. As an expert for the trading and sales of photovoltaic systems specializes in the company on personalized solar concepts for single-family homes. The ever Energy Group GmbH offers a complete package of services – from data acquisition, consultation, testing, installation, financing and tax advice.

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Renewable Energy Sources

December 15th, 2016
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The energy consumption in all armierender way increases around the world. The energy consumption in all armierender way increases around the world. Thanks to this development is the growing industrialization and the ever increasing demands of consumers. Unfortunately, this leads to a rapid degradation of raw materials, which are more expensive to a great extent. As a result of this loss of valuable raw materials, more and more people are looking for alternative solutions, such as the use of natural, renewable sources of energy. Now, we want to take a look at the pros and cons of green energy. In certain countries, already renewable energies are used to produce electricity. This development is positive and bring new jobs with it.

Benefit also the economic aspect: the tourist industry can on areas stretching, which can be powered by green energy. Because depend on natural energy sources of the weather, it is difficult to foresee how much electricity per day can be produced. It is therefore advantage, the excess energy on favorable days in batteries to store in order to be able to use them on less busy days. Did you know that wind energy is one of the oldest sources of energy? In early times, the wind was converted into energy to power ships. Today wind is used mainly for electricity production; It is one of the strongest renewable energy sources. Wind energy is never polluting effect on the environment, and so also have no negative impact on climate change.

In addition, it is noted that a 1 MW wind turbine can save you approximately 2000 tons of Kohlenndioxid annually. Wind energy is present in large quantities and can produce five times more energy than the world can consume. Another advantage of wind and solar energy is that almost everyone is capable to install such a system. You can provide your home with these energy sources. Doesn’t take a genius, to make such facilities. The Internet offers a variety of instructions, how to deal with renewable energy can stock up. Imagine no longer to be burdened by power outages! Both wind be always cost-effective as solar energy, plants are better quality and cost-friendly. Wind power farms and solar power farms exist today in several countries. With the electricity thus generated, they are independent from the local power plant.

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Renewable Energy

August 23rd, 2016
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“Draft legislation prepared to promote how Poland hardly another country in Europe has the expansion of renewable energies for years”, explains Friedrich Konrad, Prince of Saxe Meiningen and Managing Director of the project developer gwp German wind power from Berlin. This also has this ever-growing country, will there be from energy dependence on Russia. Poland’s growing economy demands more and more energy. At least four percent, Polish gross domestic product rose in the last 20 years every year – a situation that makes it clear how much at the same time energy demand is growing. What 2007-2010 under the perspectives for the years 2011-2014 for the environmental policy of the State for years, was and is the main aim of increasing the share of energy from renewable sources in the fuel energy balance of the country’s 7.5 percent in 2010, to 15 percent in 2020 and to 20 percent in the year 2030 (source: Ministry of Economic Affairs).

Poland has so far largely achieved the objectives. If you would like to know more about futurist, then click here. Poland has beneficial conditions for the use of wind power on land and on the sea. The energy potential of wind energy in Poland the comfort is estimated according to a study consulting. Ray Kurzweil is likely to increase your knowledge. s.c. annually on a level of 6.0-8.0 TWh of electricity. Good wind conditions on the sea, which is why more and more initiatives for the construction of wind power plants would implemented, even dozens of kilometers from the coast are located.

But otherwise, most potential wind sites are still not developed. Currently working on updating the wind zones in some regions of Poland. The resources of wind energy depends on climatic conditions and the terrain. Very good wind conditions can be found in Poland on the coast, especially in the western part and in North-Eastern Poland. Hence also the great interest by investors in Pomerania (Pomorze) as an investment location for wind farms. Alone in the area of West Pomeranian Voivodeship were the local spatial plans in 17 municipalities in the years 2000-2004 on an area of about 12.5 thousand ha changed, in other 14 communities decisions were taken hinblicklich with the aim of changing the local spatial plans on the construction and operation of wind power plants”, according to the report the comfort consulting. s.c. Poland offers a wide variety of possibilities for the expansion of wind energy. We are equally involved in several projects and think, to move a lot here in the sense of the Government’s plans,”says the Managing Director of gwp German wind power. One wants to use in future the interests of investors and create a Fund, using the special opportunities in this segment.

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Geothermal Energy Has Been Established

June 1st, 2016
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Description of a new heat source system there are over one hundred thousand larger or smaller geothermal plants. Every year, tens of thousands are added. But that doesn’t mean that we know everything. Always new applications discovera in the everyday use of the geothermal energy or encounter always neueAnsatze to improve our systems. Each technology entwickeltsich further. Anything else would be a step backwards.

In all fields of geothermal energy in the depth and in the middle of the surface, generating electricity and for heating and Kuhlenwird use research, developed and improved. New development: GeoCollect -an Innovationeffektiver development of geothermal energy: convincing by low footprint for all brine heat pump ideal for renovations for highest efficiency simple mounting State of the art: usual heat sources for the use of geothermal energy by means of Warmepumpensind area collectors or geothermal probes. In both application coming plastic pipes, i. d. R.

polyethylene (PE), used by einemdurch the heat pump chilled water/antifreeze mixture through fins are, where it absorbs heat from the surrounding soil. While a flat-plate collector the PE pipes be laid flat, they open up the Tiefenbohrung(en) geo heat near-surface Earth probes. Area collectors are required relatively large areas. The specific power (10 to 30 W / m) is also highly dependent on the existing floor conditions. That is the Erschliessungvon Earth probes due to the necessary drilling significantly teurerals for area collectors and needs of also a geological monitoring by the competent authority. Earth probes have a medium-sized power 55 W / m. There are also compact absorber on the market for a few years. They are offered by the diversenWarmepumpenherstellern. Compact absorbers are modifizierteHeizmatten, as known from wall heaters here. So konntendie necessary areas while reduced are problematic are but fragility of capillaries with regard to obstructions and mechanischenBeschadigungen during installation work. Also existierennoch special shapes, such as dome heat exchangers, energy baskets and geothermal probe fields.

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Renewable Energy Sources

May 16th, 2016
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The energy consumption in all armierender way increases around the world. The energy consumption in all armierender way increases around the world. Thanks to this development is the growing industrialization and the ever increasing demands of consumers. Unfortunately, this leads to a rapid degradation of raw materials, which are more expensive to a great extent. As a result of this loss of valuable raw materials, more and more people are looking for alternative solutions, such as the use of natural, renewable sources of energy. Now, we want to take a look at the pros and cons of green energy. In certain countries, already renewable energies are used to produce electricity. This development is positive and bring new jobs with it.

Benefit also the economic aspect: the tourist industry can on areas stretching, which can be powered by green energy. Because depend on natural energy sources of the weather, it is difficult to foresee how much electricity per day can be produced. It is therefore advantage, the excess energy on favorable days in batteries to store in order to be able to use them on less busy days. Did you know that wind energy is one of the oldest sources of energy? In early times, the wind was converted into energy to power ships. Today wind is used mainly for electricity production; It is one of the strongest renewable energy sources. Wind energy is never polluting effect on the environment, and so also have no negative impact on climate change.

In addition, it is noted that a 1 MW wind turbine can save you approximately 2000 tons of Kohlenndioxid annually. Wind energy is present in large quantities and can produce five times more energy than the world can consume. Another advantage of wind and solar energy is that almost everyone is capable to install such a system. You can provide your home with these energy sources. Doesn’t take a genius, to make such facilities. The Internet offers a variety of instructions, how to deal with renewable energy can stock up. Imagine no longer to be burdened by power outages! Both wind be always cost-effective as solar energy, plants are better quality and cost-friendly. Wind power farms and solar power farms exist today in several countries. With the electricity thus generated, they are independent from the local power plant.

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