
Posts Tagged ‘sports’

Joey Kelly

March 9th, 2016
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“The gentleman” and ex-boxing champion Henry Maske goes with his running team of Christinen fountain in favor of RTL, we help children “to the Start. And also Joey Kelly is and leads the team of KYOCERA time racer for a good cause. The skydiver is also before the run on the KYOCERA booth at the stadium for autographs and photos available. After the 30,000 participants have mastered the 6 kilometers and experienced the traditional finish in the impressive Olympic Stadium Munich, B2RUN again ensures a special sight in the Olympic Park. “About 21:45 an anniversary Fireworks and the Decade of Munich company run” in a solemn atmosphere, paid tribute. And for all those who then still don’t have enough, it goes in the P1 Club, where in a cosy atmosphere with runners, is triggered organizers and prominent on the run history.

A Charityaktion of B2RUN and Jochen Schweizer experience provider provides for a sports highlight. Stair run champion Matthias Jahn from the team of Jochen Schweizer climbs up the “endless staircase”. The skydiver will cope with the stairs for a good cause in the outdoor area of the Club. The party guests can submit an estimate how many stairs he creates in a given amount of time. “The proceeds go to the Foundation of RTL we help children”. Since the founding of the B2RUN the promotion of socially responsible institutions is an integral part of the approach, and it should remain so in the coming years.

To the B2RUN in Munich as well as tickets for the celebration at the B2RUN are welcome to runners, spectators and press, on of the B2RUN GmbH & co. see KG B2RUN has given a new face to the companies running and created a unique corporate run series: the German company cross country Championships. “In ten major cities qualify company for the great B2RUN final in Berlin and ran money for Charitypartner RTL together we help children”. This B2RUN is aimed at companies of any size and provides the ideal introduction to running sports especially running newcomers with a length of six kilometres. For more information about B2RUN, see or B2RUN.

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Professional Football League

September 18th, 2013
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The Professional Football League denies having record of this meeting. The footballers Union ensures that it is a step back. The AFE called a strike for the first two days of League. Both organizations will meet on Wednesday in Barcelona (10.00), in a statement, the Association of Spanish footballers (AFE) reported that no member of the League of professional football (LFP) has attended this Tuesday the meeting scheduled in Valencia, which the other party refused to have consistency, both with respect to the place of celebration of the exact time. The AFE felt the absence of the LFP in this encounter as a step backwards to the possibility to resolve the current situation, the narrow margin of time, while Jose Luis Astiazaran, President of the League, sent a burofax an hour ago to the strike Committee, said at the LFP, in which urged the Union to prove the alleged call to today’s meeting. The Board of Directors of the AFE said in his note that He received the unilateral announcement of the LFP to the meeting on Wednesday in Madrid via e-mail, and recalls that prior to the communication received this Monday, had another appointment scheduled and agreed on today (Tuesday), in Valencia, and that the Wednesday meeting was to be held in Barcelona, on the occasion of the dispute of the return of the Supercopa of Spain match. After the communication submitted on Tuesday by the LFP, AFE President responded by the same means of communication, which called on the members of that body to keep the meeting scheduled for today, it emphasizes AFAITH, that says that it has not received any reply to the communication sent on yesterday. The AFE also insists that it will always maintain a stance of dialogue and conciliation before the serious situation facing the Spanish footballers, and advocates the responsibility of the parties involved, in order to achieve a solution to the current situation.

For its part, the LFP has responded through a burofax signed by Jose Luis Astiazaran and sent to the strike Committee, which, in addition to deny that he had received a call for the Tuesday meeting in Valencia, has affirmed that, in the absence of call for its part, repairing his silence on the matter, it has fallen to this partin an exercise of responsibility, set up the meeting with the strike Committee as soon as possible. In that regard, the League urges the Union of players to confirm the strike Committee assistance to our call, August 17, at 10: 00, at the registered office of the LFP. The burofax, Astiazaran recalled that from the moment of notice and throughout the development of the strike, the strike Committee and the LFP are obliged to negotiate to try to reach an agreement which put an end to it. Pursuant to this precept, hold any meeting on the sidelines of the Committee of strike and ignore that it is the appropriate body by AFAITH, as convener of the strike, to understand how many negotiations have to be developed in relation to the reasons for the strike, would entail a clear delegitimization of the same, that this party is not willing to admit in any case, continued the President of the LFP. The AFE announced a call for strike to the first two days of League the past day 11. Source of the news: the AFE ensures that the LFP has not submitted to a meeting scheduled Tuesday in Valencia

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