
Posts Tagged ‘Software’

Computer Requirements

June 13th, 2017
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If you have Windows Vista you can say that you are in a more privileged position than users of earlier versions of Windows, because even before Windows 7 can evaluate the resources of your iron with a friend special performance index that takes value from 1 to 5.9. To find this index, please click Start Control Panel System and Maintenance System. In the window that appears, among other information, will be information about the index of performance and recommendations for improving it. In Windows 7 is also possible to determine the index. However, the range of values in its expanded and does not coincide with the values of Index vWindows Vista.

But despite this, knowledge of the index in Vista is still helping to orient in which components of the new operating system to disable. Read more here: Mitchel Resnick . If the index in Windows Vista is 2.0 or above, you can safely install Windows 7. Even a low productivity index will work without problems on the Internet and word processing. But for most games that require significant resources, it is worth forget. In addition, during the installation wizard independently decides whether or not to disable interfeysAero. In another case with those who want to install Windows 7 on a computer sWindows XP. This operating system is not contains information about the index of performance. This makes the assessment of “iron” difficult. However, as a rule, you can safely install the “seven” on a computer, which was considered modern even five years ago.

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Agent Software

February 10th, 2014
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Simple Internet user primarily interested in the convenience of communication – program-dialer programs and chat rooms have become part of everyday life of modern man. Until recently it was possible for a handful number of programs for short messaging, today as their number increases every day. This occurs because of development and growth of e-mail services that provide users with a fundamentally new services – a living example of this yandex. One of the most popular Internet instant messengers is icq – he appeared in late 1996, and today it uses about 180 million people around the world and many online services are specially created client software compatible with ICQ data transmission protocols. In other words, in order to use icq, it is not necessary to install the original ICQ-client for these purposes, you can download new qip, Miranda, Rambler-ICQ and so on.

Each client has its own strengths and weaknesses – for example, the latest version of QIP enables to combine your contact list from icq, Agent, call landlines and landlines so on. Considering the program, dialer, first of all we should mention Skype – free software that changed the idea of the availability of telephone conversations. Currently, this service are not only simple users but also large multinational corporations With Skype which were able to stop throwing a lot of money on phone calls with foreign partners and clients. Call with Skype for free as you can (if calls are made with PC to PC) and charge (from PC to mobile and home phones. Chargeable calls are cheap at the same time – so call from a computer in Vladivostok on a mobile phone can be in Cairo at the rate of 0.15 euro / min. Use or not use instant messengers, depends only on you, but all the same antivirus software download and install them is imperative, especially if your computer is connected to the Internet. Thus, download antivirus nod32, for example, can be directly on the official website, but you can at specialized Web sites with archives of software. Within 4 weeks, this program is free, but for long-term use will require purchase a license.

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