
Posts Tagged ‘society and culture’

Production Economy

February 8th, 2014
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The revolution in the technology of the information modifies the production relations structurally. In the informacional economy, the information is simultaneously insumo and product. The knowledge is applied on the knowledge to generate more knowledge: the more excellent products, processes and services are the intensive ones of knowledge. Thus, the productivity and the competitiveness will command the economy emergent; the productivity will be derived from the technological innovation and the competitiveness will be derived from the institucional innovation and the managemental capacity. Therefore, the cultural capacity to use the technology of the information will be critical for the informacional society.

For the first time in history, beyond the productive economy, an incorporeal economy was created from a intangible factor: information. In the informal economy, the rich one does not depend on the poor person, therefore in it the worker of the knowledge (better paid) substitutes the manual worker (sobreexplotado in the productive economy). The informalismo supports to decentralized concentration and to the globalization of the capital, for the use of the decentralizing power of the electronic nets. At the time emergent, the control on the copyright is more important that the control on the physical property, the value of the cultural goods is higher than the value of the corporeal properties, and the prestige contributed for the access to the use of the corporeal properties is greater that the prestige contributed for the ownership of these goods. The revolution in the technology of the information also makes possible other technological revolutions, as the robotics, new materials, nanotecnologia, genetic engineering (or biogentica, biotechnology) etc.

Also are changing to the relations between capital and work: in its base, the capital is global; as rule, the work is local. The capital globally is co-ordinated; the work is individualizado. The work is disaggregated in its performance, broken up in its organization, diversified in its existence and divided in its class action. The social contract between the capital and the work was violated to allow the global mobility of the capital and to construct the local vulnerability of the work. The capital now not only has wing but yes it only flies.
