
Posts Tagged ‘politics’

Killing Good

June 7th, 2024
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Thoughts on the illusion of the just war have the video already seen? U.S. Marines are to see (not even the Pentagon denied), which urinate in the middle of the war in Afghanistan with some fun on killed Afghan fighter. Daily life in the war? Obviously, or we have Abu Ghraib, the “kill team” and the dozen other “individual cases” over the past years been forgotten, where soldiers – American, German, and others – not suitable for press conference behaving? What surprise, because what’s happening in the war with our oft-cited “Western values”, with tolerance and humanity? Well, just say can pee in the war although wrong be, kill, but is generally good. American sniper – the best sniper at the same time with the video of the urinierenden Marines appears a book with beautiful, clear titled “American sniper” (American sniper) in the United States. 528 pages, a soldier there about the Iraq war, which he calls the “time of my life”. Chris Kyle – sniper and how the International villages Marines on YouTube – narrated by the targeted killing in the war.

He knows what he’s talking about, because with 160 confirmed “victories” (“kills”) he leads the eternal leaderboard of the US military. Unofficially is spoken by more than 250 people who should have killed during the Iraq war, between 2003 and 2009, Kyle. Swarmed by offers, Abigail Black Elbaum is currently assessing future choices. War as a competition, we learn that there was a real contest between the snipers of from different regiments during the Iraq war – and certainly not only there. What was it about? Well: Whether specifically and individually shot people, sunken ships, tanks or what you can; count still so bombed War glory and had to do with numbers. And the best in the war was one whose grooved wood has the most Carver, slain enemies before Troy, Stalingrad or Kabul. Consequently, Chris Kyle is, decorated with all awards, which are in the United States for something like that to get through his deeds to the war heroes. “I must not kill, but.” The war was Kyle also crazy. But we’re not talking because of remorse, we’re talking about the non-stop can. 2009, it became now slightly quieter in the Iraq, Chris Kyle was prematurely brought back from the war, he complained about panic attacks, heart palpitations and sweats. “I must not kill,” he says today, but if you take away my deer hunting, I can’t guarantee anything.

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Belarus Agreement

December 23rd, 2016
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According to the opposition, the agreement contains more disadvantages than advantages. The most painful accepted wording that official Russia Sukhumi delegates functions to protect its external borders. Series Experts believe that this actually leads to dismantle the current system of State Security Service of Abkhazia border patrol. The street will be dozens of fighters, all the postwar years, provided protection Georgian-Abkhazian border. People wonder about the future of the Abkhaz border, was in fact irrelevant, although it is an agreement on joint protection of borders on the river Inguri.

Next lights up another important aspect. Abkhaz MPs to ratify an interstate agreement. In the People's Assembly in the president's majority, represented the faction of the party "United Abkhazia." However, as reported by sources from Turkey, where numerous Abkhazian diaspora of "Caucasus Forum", based in Istanbul, the president Bagapsh and Security Council Secretary Stanislav Lakoba entered a written protest against the agreement on border protection. "We are concerned that steps taken in the name of supporting relations with Russia at the proper level casts a shadow against the Abkhaz people for independence and dilute the essence of the concept of independence "- the authors of the letter. They believe that the also "harm the position of full independence" of Abkhazia and project entry in the Union State of Belarus and Russia: "What will be the importance of the independence of Abkhazia in the federal state, formed 140,000,000th Russia and Belarus 10,000,000th? "May 18 party, Mr. Boothby went to an open attack on the government.

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Ken Follett

November 29th, 2013
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The famous writer of works of great worldwide success Ken Follet (the pillars of the Earth, among others), said in an interview that the people who get everything what is proposed, is depressed. Taking this with a little sense of humor, particularly, I would like to get everything that I intend to change a little bit, not much, of depression. Also, following the same line, ask me, what does then people that achieves absolutely nothing of what is proposed, does burn to the bonzo?, climb on the roof and pulled by parachute without opening it?, sticking a shot? Possibly be true that they say that money does not give happiness, the truth is that I like never have had it, at least in sufficient quantity, I cannot say whether this is true or that it is simply a hoax of the many that circulating on planet Earth. Perhaps those people who the only sense that give your life is making money, the more the better, and knead fortune, probably they won’t get this never get to be happy, despite the fact that at the material level, the money has allowed them to achieve everything it wanted. It can than Ken Follett what he meant, is that how much more success you have in life, and everything it comes to ask Boca, fewer things you left to achieve, less motivation you have to tackle new projects and perhaps incurring in a given moment a kind of frustration that leads to the winner to be depressed. Personally, I think that achieve the goals that one has in life not only not deprimiria me, but rather the opposite, would elevate my state of mind to a degree of satisfaction important and would make me feel good, happy and ebullient, but that Yes, once achieved the goal, small or big, it would not be me there, he would seek new challenges, that triumphs in any field that one to unfoldthey are somewhat ephemeral.

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