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Industrial Confederation

November 30th, 2015
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In 2010 Jundia only gained more than 11 a thousand vacant of work, according to CAGED? I register in cadastre Generality of Employed and Unemployeds of the MTE? Ministry of the Work and job. Of this total, 8,772 vacant had been filled by workers whom Ensino has Average as escolaridade, 981 for professionals who possess the diploma of superior course and 592 for who only studied until 5 year of Basic Ensino. Analyzing these numbers it is easy to perceive that who wants to work and is in the age ' ' certa' ' , it has chance. With this, who has years behind did not have no possibility and nor expectation to obtain a job is being contracted and still receiving qualification for the companies where they had started to act. A survey carried through for the CNI? Nacional Industrial Confederation, consulted sample that 69% of the company on account have problems of the lack of qualified man power. Already 78% affirm that they had initiated the investment in the qualification and formation of its collaborators.

If you are in the region search of a chance of work, the tip is to search vacant of job in Jundia in the classified ones of local sites as the Jundia Online. Another suggestion is gratuitously to register in cadastre the resume in vestibules that disponibilizam this service. Carrying through some of these actions, with certainty you will be increasing its possibilities to obtain a replacement in the work market. But, Jundia always was the good land of who search chances. The history and the development of the city if mix the diversity of the economy and the man power. Today, the rhythm of growth of Jundia is sped up.

Who contributes for this is the implantation of the Technological Park, that will go to alavancar this area in the region. But for being this segment to be so fast it is that they not only lack qualified professionals in Jundia, but in the State of entire So Paulo. They are more than 150 a thousand vacant of work in the technology area that in are opened. A solution for this? The courses with lesser duration must take care of to this demand.
