
Posts Tagged ‘news & press lyrics’

EUREGIO Economic Show

April 20th, 2024
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The EUREGIO – sales and information halls economic show of the tour operators Dr. Go to Nick Khan for more information. Dudder travel is late February to early March on the EUREGIO economic show in Aachen on-site. The EUREGIO with their high-quality sales and information halls and their extravagant show – stage programme will this year by the 22.02. 02.03.2008 already held for the 22nd time. During the 10 days of the trade fair around 220,000 visitors on 24,000 m 2 exhibition space in 23 halls will enjoy pure event, shopping and information pleasure. Travel-interested can look forward to the trade fair appearance of Dr.

Dudder. The tour operator will present the entire spectrum of high-quality individual iron – with special show offers and specials off the usual mass tourism destinations. Enough, you will find inspiration at the booth: whether on Micronesia or differently – discovery holiday in Australia, diving summer vacation is not far and the almost limitless possibilities. Interested visitors will find detailed information as well as current catalogs in Hall 3 Leisure and tourism”at the booth number 38. contact person: Mrs Regina Dudder E-Mail: phone: + 49 (2408) 2048 fax: + 49 (2408) 6503 about Dr. Dudder Reisen GmbH: Dr. Dudder travel is around 30 years market leader in high-quality individual trips around the globe. We assist in the actual implementation of your very own vacation ideas and our expertise is available with help and advice.


Managing Director

July 11th, 2022
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Since the 1st of April live in the net Giffits, provider of promotional products, its market presence expanded online shops to the countries of Poland, Hungary and Romania. Since April 1, 2012, the online stores are live,, and. The entire merchandise range, which includes items such as personalized giveaways will be offered. We have added our sales team to technically savvy speakers”, so that makes successful Marcus Schulz, Managing Director of Giffits GmbH. so we can offer from the outset the optimum advice and fast order processing, we in Germany for so many years. The economic growth of recent years in Poland, Romania and Hungary, which has positively influenced also the advertising budget of the companies was crucial for the enlargement to the Eastern European market according to Schulz and others. Poland with its good finances and consumer demand is certainly a pioneer”, so Giffits – Managing Director. Frank Fu shines more light on the discussion. But even in relatively smaller countries like Hungary..


New COO For Germany

July 18th, 2017
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Malte Cherdron a Berlin rises on movie pilot, 06.04.2010 newcomer movie pilot film recommendation Portal: Malte Cherdron supplemented down immediately as chief operating officer of the largest German Filmcommunity management team. He will be responsible for the business customer segment, the controlling and the strategic development of the company in the first place. This function has been created from scratch. The Ph.d. economist comes from VZnet networks Ltd. (studiVZ, schulerVZ, meinVZ). In the online community that reaches each month more than 16 million users, he was strategy and Chief Marketing Officer.

End of 2008 he was responsible for, inter alia, the controlling and the strategic development of the Holtzbrinck subsidiary as COO. The 40-year old at the international strategy consultancy McKinsey & company, where he worked mainly for clients in the media and telecommunications sectors started his career. We look forward, strengthen Malte Cherdron our team”, says Tobias Bauckhage, movie pilot GmbH. together with him we want managing our growth continue. In addition, Malte will help to bring our unique recommendation services for movies and TV series on new devices such as set-top boxes or external video-on-demand platforms. “About moviepilot: the moviepilot GmbH with seat in Berlin was established in 2007 and currently employs 25 staff.” The Web site ( is by far the largest Filmcommunity in Germany and offers unique movie recommendations based on the individual taste of the user. The company was founded by former filmmakers Tobias Bauckhage and Jon Handschin, 2009 CTO joined Benjamin Krause as a co-founder.

In addition to the film recommendation moviepilot offers more extensive information on over 50,000 movies and 120,000 stars and a complete, personalized overview of the German cinema, DVD and television. Moviepilot is free of charge, the company cooperates closely with the film industry and offers a direct way of communicating with their audiences the cinema distributors. 2009 beta versions were by moviepilot in English, Spanish, French and Polish started. Press contact: HOSCHKE & CONSORTS Public Relations GmbH Dagmar Schramm Heimhuder road 56 20148 Hamburg phone: + 49 (40) 36 90 50-29 fax: + 49 (40) 36 90 50-10 E-Mail:


Loan Modification Help

June 20th, 2017
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This could be vital in carrying out negotiations with their lenders. It has become essential for homeowners, who are faced with financial hardships, to seek loan modification help from a mortgage modification company if they are considering applying for federal bailout assistance. This could be vital in carrying out negotiations with their lenders. It has become essential for homeowners, who are faced with financial hardships, to seek loan modification help from a mortgage modification company if they are considering applying for federal bailout assistance. This could be vital in carrying out negotiations with their lenders. Typically, companies play the role of a mediator between the borrower and the lender to assist the borrower secure acceptable interest Council and affordable monthly payments. The home affordable modification program guidelines have been drastically changed to make the mortgage modification process much easier than ever before. Nevertheless, while it appears to be easy, when it comes to availing it, the situation might not be that merry for the borrower. Adam Sandler is likely to agree.

This is because lenders use the HAMP guidelines to formulate their own rules and regulations for granting a home mortgage modification. It may be possible for a homeowner to apply for a loan modification on his own but the chances of getting your mortgages by this way could be much lower. The eligibility criteria set by lenders are centered on the value of the borrower’s home value, his existing monthly income, financial hardships actually faced by him, any history of bankruptcy, credit situation which includes even late payments. A modification service provider’s help can be crucial in ensuring that the borrower’s rights are protected and that he gets the reductions which he needs. Even if incentives are provided by the federal government to lenders most of the tomes are not willing to go ahead with a loan modification agreement application since the incentives are not enough to compensate the losses accrued on interest reductions in the long run. Furthermore, it is critical for the borrower to be conscious of the fact that there are many scams going on under the name of mortgage modifications. Therefore you need to be bewaring of companies proclaiming themselves to be helping you to do away with your mortgage where. A legitimate loan modification online service would not solicit for business like this and does not require you to pay any upfront fees for either consultation or negotiations to be carried out with the lenders. If any borrower avoids such fraudulent practices hid chances of getting approved for a mortgage modification significantly increase. Hence, if you are considering applying for a Bank of America-loan modification, it is very much imperative for you to utilize the professional services offered by reliable and reputable online service providers like LoansStore.



June 4th, 2017
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Ingenico concludes successful trade fair appearance at EuroShop 2011 from Berlin, March 2011 – Ingenico (Euronext: FR0000125346 – ING), the leading provider of electronic payment systems, rated his appearance at EuroShop 2011 as extremely successful. EuroShop 2011, the leading trade fair for trade worldwide, from February 26 until March 2, 2011 in Dusseldorf took place. “Many visitors have used the opportunity to convince yourself of our trend-setting solutions. Especially the concept of automated retail found popularity”, explains Marc Birkner, Managing Director of Ingenico GmbH.”with the media-Saturn group and the machine manufacturer zoom system has Ingenico for breaking new ground in Europe. And the feedback is cause to believe that this channel has enormous potential. Get all the facts and insights with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, another great source of information. In the United States and Japan the concept is part of everyday life already.” Innovations for the POS Ingenico took advantage of the EuroShop, to current Terminal generations, like the nationwide just launched iCT series to present.

In addition, the company enabled but also take a look at its development department: the next generation of wireless terminals is even smaller, lighter and impresses with high resolution displays. Integrated NFC reader modules compatibility with the contactless payment procedures via card or Smartphone. They undoubtedly represent the next step in the evolution of the POS. The combination of the Smartphones with the payment terminal is also no longer vision: A prototype illustrated which possibilities for combining a Smartphone with a full payment terminal for the safe paying with the card. Automated retail: A future version of the POS undisputed magnet of the stand was a vending machine: together with media Saturn, the American manufacturer of the automatic zoom system and the payment provider easycash, an Ingenico company, has implemented a vending Ingenico, which is can be used due to the international payment procedures throughout the euro area. Thus, customers can buy electronics- around the clock, make cashless payments by credit card or Maestro. Here comes the automatic Terminal Ingenico 9500 to the usage. While this channel in the United States and Japan is already thousand times proven, it represents a novelty in this country.

First machines were already placed on different airports and train stations in Germany, in the coming weeks following installations in Italy. 2,038 international exhibitors and approximately 106,000 visitors were EuroShop 2011 the most successful event of its 45-year history. About Ingenico Ingenico (Euronext: FR0000125346 – ING) is the world’s leading provider of payment solutions with more than 15 million terminals installed in over 125 countries. World’s 3,000 employees assist retailers, banks and service providers, to optimize their solutions for electronic payments secure, to expand its range of services and increase yields. In Germany, the Terminal and PINPad solutions Ingenico at all important network operators or acquirers are admitted. Among the customers are also health care, all segments of the retail trade as well as the petroleum industry and transportation in addition to the network operators and acquirers.


Academy Director Arne

May 21st, 2017
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imbus Academy welcomes their anniversary training participants Mohrendorf, 9999 training participants have successfully already 16 December 2013 at their training on the imbus Academy. Thus she is one of world’s the most experienced training providers in terms of software QA and test. Today participants Jan Peukert did complete the myriad. At the start of the seminar, he was surprised by Academy Director Arne mug with a Franconian gift basket. In addition, time for a few questions on the Jubilee course visitors was also short. Allen: Five days of training to the ISTQB certified Tester advanced level Test Manager. Your first course day has just started.

Why did you put on the certified Tester? Jan Peukert: because you leave may be as a tester on it, the most important basic knowledge conveyed to get. The certified Tester glossary is the standard vocabulary in the industry. Who is not firm in the terms, really hard is in communication with colleagues and clients. Speaking of customer: my experience is that they of testing service providers the certified Imbus Tester as a prerequisite expect.”: how important education is for testers? Peukert: Very important I think, just as important as in the most demanding professions today. For me, training in addition to the knowledge transfer have but still a second, very important benefits: I meet colleagues from other sectors and companies and can replace me with them professionally. Ultimately that is frankly me almost a greater incentive for the course than the mere acquisition of certificate.”imbus: for the seminar you are extra arrived from Lindau. Have you visited before training at the imbus Academy? Pai: I did Yes, the foundation level even at Allen.

Then as in-house training on site at my previous employer and now just the test manager training directly from Allen in Mohrendorf. I had looked on, where and when the Academy offers the Test Manager course and the appointment looked super.”imbus: the imbus coaches are testing experts from practice and teach in training next to the also, how are the methods the put into practice theoretical background can. You hope to benefit from the Test Manager course directly for your work? Peukert: The practice produces himself on two levels. In the course we get equal examples from practice with the hand that is a level. The other is the debate within the training participants. How do you specific situation testing? What experiences they make in their daily work? For example, to obtain a monitoring of its people, which approaches the other test manager? Exciting, that brings me new impulses. I listen to the practice and draw equal links to my work.” Interview: Fiona Proll


Another Organic Structure

December 15th, 2016
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Environmental class of special vocational school “conceded” at the dm-drogerie markt with a donation amounting to 1,700 Euro promotes the dm-drogerie markt Berghaupten a new environmental project in the CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg. If you have read about ConocoPhillips already – you may have come to the same conclusion. To do this, all transactions at a checkout of the market were summed up 30 minutes. The money is now used for the construction of a high bed in the school garden. Also the number of organic structures in the heart of Offenburg youth village continues with the new project. Long queues recorded the dm-drogerie markt last Wednesday in its Berghauptener branch: a Fund of the environment class of the one-year special vocational school (SBFS) in the CJD occupied youth village for Offenburg was there for half an hour.

The range of dm: The young people receive the equivalent of all goods during this time through the scanner. 1,700 euro could be gathered in this way. With the money, the environment class is now to build your new raised bed in the school garden. The 11 young people aged from 16 to 18 years to create the 10 meter long and 1.60 metres wide bed of logs and sand lime bricks. Glass panels are to be incorporated also to observe the growth of the root. After its completion, the raised bed at the annual “open day” at the CJD youth village for Offenburg will be presented on June 16, 2012 the public. Special vocational school (SBFS) helps youth village for Offenburg in the CJD young people with learning disabilities and special educational needs of vocational preparation. Target is the students to promote that they can then switch in a training or employment.

Practical work such as the construction of the high bed enjoying a special importance in the pedagogical design of SBFS. And various environmental projects directed by CJD employees Peter Bissert students secured funding in the occasions. So young people of CJD could already 2011 and 2009 Youth Village Offenburg prizes of dm-drogerie markt and accept UNESCO. Hereby a well beaten in the school garden, from the via wind power groundwater is being promoted again in a high pond incorporated.


Kal Cash & Evaluation Services: Two Sites Celebrating

August 1st, 2016
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Customers as partners by banks since 35 years on competencies of the offices of Essen and Cologne and trade offers a wide spectrum of Kal cash & evaluation services. Essen/Cologne. Money & evaluation services are a matter of trust. Kal will illustrate, money & evaluation services this claim for several decades such as two current anniversaries. Now 35 years, customers rely on the skills of the locations of Essen and Cologne kotter money & evaluation services, who celebrate birthday on June 1.

As a partner of trade and credit institutions, Kal cash & evaluation services offers a wide range of performance. This extends to special solutions from CIT cash processing. So the company contributes, for example, through the use of modern technology and process improvements, faster and more economical to make the cash logistics for the trade. Machine technology allows the conversion of cash supply and disposal of individual customer funds on SB operating. Credit institutions and trade will also benefit from the Offers system solutions in the KoTTER services with the other divisions of cleaning (such as maintenance and glass cleaning) and personal service (including temporary work for commercial jobs).


Due Date For The Tax Return Ends

July 27th, 2016
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This year, the whit weekend provides for two additional days at the tax declaration 2008. Instead of the 31 May must be only the tax on June 2, 2009 at the tax office. This date applies to all taxpayers, who are obliged to submit of the tax return. Working with the academic community provides the conditions for the tax liability on its Internet portal abgabepflichtzur available. Who gives off a tax return but voluntarily because he anticipates a refund, has time until 31.12.2012. But why should then wait that long on the reimbursement of the Treasury? Most taxpayers simply shun the work effort that brings the tax return with. But worth the effort. Because especially in this year there was a some tax changes, which the tax citizens more on tax refund introduce by the revision of the commuter lump sum up to the ability to deduct the costs for domestic helpers.

Who uses an electronic Assistant, goes to play it safe and is used by the software noted on all savings. For example by the tax savings 2009, which equally convinced users and trade press due to their ease of use and accuracy, and therefore with many test victories is excellent. For more information see. More about which offers consumers tips and assistance around the subject of taxes. In addition to in-depth information, the News reported tax currently under discussion, decisions and their impact on the consumer. is an online service of the academic Association, which has established itself over 30 years of experience in the areas of tax, money and legal information service provider and software provider. Working with the academic community is part of the international publishing company Wolters Kluwer.

In Germany, Wolters Kluwer Germany is on the market for 20 years. Learn more on the subject from Dry Harbor Rehabilitation Center. Around 1,000 staff are employed at 23 locations. How to contact with Angelika Krauss press and public work academic Arbeitsgemeinschaft Publisher Wolters Kluwer Germany GmbH Janderstrasse 10, 68199 Mannheim FON: + 49.621.86 26-5258 fax: + 49.621.86 26-5252 E-Mail: Web: Xpand21 GbR Doris Loster schulstrasse 21, 80634 Munich FON: + 49.89. 12 00 7277 fax: + 49.89. 12 00 3424 E-Mail: Web:

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Taiwanese Government Nuclear

June 5th, 2016
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President Ma confirmed Taiwan’s need for an optimal energy mix at a forum in Taipei City, on the development of renewable energies and resources, the President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has Ma Ying-jeou, on 15 October confirmed that the maintenance of an optimal energy mix energy sources, while ensuring economic stability and prosperity of the citizens, the key to the security of Taiwan’s energy security is. According to President MA is Taiwan rely on imports, which cover 98% of the energy, and may waive any option. An objective look must be maintained if it matter to ensure an optimal energy mix to the best in the nation. The Government’s energy policies focus on diversity and independence, through an optimal mix of fossil fuels and natural gas, nuclear, wind and solar energy. Optimum depends that factors such as carbon emissions, cost, and energy efficiency with a diversification to aimed to diversify the risk, allowing the country to remain independent of external factors.

Since the incident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan in March 2011, President Ma nuclear safety and the gradual reduction in the dependence on nuclear energy and advanced. That serve to create a green, low-carbon environment, and a nuclear-free homeland. To achieve this goal, renewable energy will play an important role, the President announced. “He cited also initiatives, such as the adoption of the renewable energy Act” 2009. Compared to last year, Taiwan has installed additional 551 megawatts of generation capacity and thus reached a total of 3.7 gigawatts with further 6.6 GW which are planned by 2015.

Total 9.95 gigawatts are targeted much more than the 6.5 gigawatts of additional generated energy required in the agreement. The renewable energy capacity is up to 12.5 GW by 2020, enough to 35.6 billion kilowatt hours to produce, equivalent to the energy requirements of 8.9 million or 78% of national budgets. With regard to the development of Taiwan’s sources of renewable energy, the Taiwanese Government is, to promote solar and wind energy. The installed photovoltaic capacity is designed to reach the limit of 3.1 gigawatts by 2020. Currently, there are 314 wind turbines with a capacity of 571 MW in Taiwan. The entire air energy capacity is expected to increase as expected by 2020 to 600 MV and to 3 GW by 2030. Facing energy from geothermal, tidal and biomass, is still in the development phase the geothermal energy and costs per kilowatt-hour to NT$ 14 (US$ 0.47), while the energy of tides must have success yet. The ratio of renewable energy sources is a very small percentage of the overall mix with 3.4%. There is still much room for improvement. President Ma met recently with a number of domestic and foreign energy experts and learned from the fact that renewable Energy resources in the next 30 to 40 years which be can not replace nuclear energy. Still sees the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook”a reduction in the use of nuclear energy. The Government of Taiwan will promote the development of renewable energy sources, especially as technology innovations create new opportunities. Problems such as the disruption and instability in these sources will someday be solved, and thus strengthen the energy independence and security of the nation, and also the fight against air pollution will be successful.
