
Posts Tagged ‘home page’

Alcobendas Franchise

May 12th, 2018
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He let know, as we like to call it, has been from the beginning one of our differential elements most characteristic and valued. As for the other three elements that we afianzaremos, these will remain excellent communication with business customers, a policy of fair and consistent fees and, very especially, humanizing our intervention as consultants. Speaking candidly Professor of Internet Governance told us the story. In terms of the challenges that mundoFranquicia consulting you will undertake in this year of celebration say they are very ambitious. -Expand the number of Spanish cities in which the consultant has a corporate headquarters – embarking on the process of internationalization – generate new business opportunities within the franchise system – disseminating the benefits of the franchise system before the public and entrepreneurs finally recalled that mundoFranquicia consulting collaborates with various public institutions such as the Chamber of Commerce of MadridExpofranquicia or SIF & Co in the development of initiatives aimed at the franchise, especially on issues of training. Swarmed by offers, Mitchel Resnick is currently assessing future choices. Ultimately in the coming years, we intend to remain a reference within the scope of the franchise and to be identified by the good done in the development of consulting projects, ends Alonso. About mundoFranquicia Consulting is an expert company in offering consulting services for franchisors at any stage of the process: planning and definition, development, adaptation and improvement. Kevin ulrich is often quoted as being for or against this. Applies an expansion system called consulting management openings, which based the growth of the chain on the provision of particularized consulting services in every operation of integration of a new franchisee, contemplating all of the precise arrangements for the opening of the new business unit and, ultimately, directly addressing functions franchisers in the field of creation of the network.

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Electrical Energy Usage

August 24th, 2016
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As we know, the use of electrical energy is important for lighting at night, use in communication services, dispose of electrical appliances and develop ourselves with industry and technology. Up to dance and paint to water. During this twenty-first century, we are still direct observer of the spectacular technological revolution that is taking place during these last decades, growth that favors humans allowing use, in a novel way, from natural and renewable energy sources. Mitchel Resnick is full of insight into the issues. Wind farms, photovoltaic plants of up to 400 MWatts. I have personally visited villages of extreme poverty in the Peru: Huancavelica, Ayacucho, regions where purely fantastic and touristic places are confused but as relegated nature, forgotten something that should not never miss: light, lighting, electrical energy for nights especially. This is just the basics for the survive as beings of flesh and bone.Today. This phenomenon is happening in the world. Rich and poor, capital of region and villages even without defined names. Learn more at this site: Ivan Chavez Vidanta.

For example, as it shows a button; accessibility, conditions and costs that can handle the Llauta population for the realisation of projects. Llauta is a district of the province of Lucanas, Ayacucho region in Peru where typically your first ruler who is the Mayor of the town prefers to live in another city very well lit Ica, leaving that thing elgieron in all the darkness and the fate of peasant communities. Malnutrition, poor schooling, governmental neglect in its primary level, young people and children who do not know but Earth, stones and sludge to form part of your living environment. Capital district, stays, annexes, which to avail himself of a fast to any part of the world communication is completely difficult or impossible. Where the only television channel is a trader, pre-opens what bad or good diffusion are presented because they simply don’t know what is the satellite communication system. The population ignores completely what are photovoltaic systems, solar cells, batteries with solar power, solar heating, wind systems, control of carbon at the environmental level.

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Oscar Castro

June 10th, 2016
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Specifically we are talking about discovery of AMERICA Habria a: start again. Starting from the root of the Indian. Go to the pure source without concepts already facts. Only thus will find America not discovered, the America of belly clear and jocundos breasts, the America with their own language singer, galloping their freedom of Mare young man under heaven.We have four centuries of invasions. We don’t use our eyes. Strange feet walking by our inheritances.Foreign words define our gestures.

Gold, copper and Americans sweat – amalgam of shouts and protests – ply the sea in ships of incomprehensible names. America. I say: the America of bananas, and coffee plantations, and the caucheras and minerals. The America that stop abundance. America’s great rivers and large mountains. The new world that is nursing the old world. The land on which my brothers the outcasts are hungry.The America, Yes, America quo needn’t suckler herds, because he drinks milk of heaven at the Summit of the Aconcagua.

Not the America school known by the maps: Earth tattooed names and colors, split in Panama by a channel iron and food in the South by the southern ice, but this other, this one that is born in the stone ridge of the Andes and falls like a green poncho at two blue seas. This is going in my singing American, resonating in the Gallop the Charro, the huaso, the llanero, Indian and gaucho. That goes in the back of the charger docks, and in the spur grandona, and flowered hat, and in the ojota kissed by water and land, and in the smell of bitter mate, and in the lament of the quena and the trutruca and the aroma of ripe pineapple, and corn laughing with laughter of satyr, and the coconut and jicara that receives its juice. That is the America, brethren. It’s pure morning. They sing the birds. She sings the Mockingbird and the quetzal is a lightning bolt. Let’s discover our America. The day waving their wide flags. It is time to leave and dawn. Let’s begin. Definitely very valid which says us, Oscar Castro, was a Poet of simple things, of peasant mornings, the provincials loves; storyteller of childhood and the rugged miners, was able to convey, in his short life, images and feelings that remain at the heart of every sensitive reader original author and source of the article.

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June 28th, 2013
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They are mine fingers with which I write, but they are not the words once they come out of my. They are mine for now – ideas, not so your conclusions about them. Mine and no one else are the memories: sounds, images, and especially smells. Mine are the subtle flashes of wind on my skin and yours, but not vice versa. They are mine, some borrowed, fears and the doors close, they are mine also moments in which I remember that I have to open them. They are mine the seconds that pass and this is a perpetual oblivion life goes and I forget, or give it. It is my East overwhelming moment of breathing and see and hear and feel, so much so that before the abrumo present respond my tears. This city that mine is not is how cover, like putting a suitcase that can not weigh more than 23 kg.

Impotence is also mine, eternal repentance of what I left pass although I I also took much, did much, never enough. Is mine the courage for two souls cowards to laughter, laughter of the countdown approaching to the zero. It is mine the inability and power the sadness and joy passion and hate success and frustration are mine doves, the balcony, the sound of traffic, the whisper of rain heat cold moisture distance is mine without a doubt the yearning and wonder without end, I condemned, that I, a March and term confirming in a December. Buenos Aires is mine, with my friends and my damned heart, its buildings and squares, its Green, yellow trees, oranges and blacks, mine is this city that injected me life, challenged me, attacked me, made me grow, put me against the demist mirror, gave me paper and pencil to draw and thus taught me the meaning that beats in my veins of the word freedom. It is mine its people, from the CLAVIJO to the concheto, are mine dogs and their children, are yours my love and my hate and is since long ago that their wars are and will be the mine.

Is with certainty, now it is, that we are all the same, we all want the same thing, not importing the portion of the globe that we have. I say goodbye little by little and by announced end, appreciation from the coldest to the stifled day. Way down the street giving me account from all corners that I need travel impossible to encompass Bs.As. Is that it is mine, because I feel the taste and disgust, love and indifference, that only what is authentically own inspires. V. original author and source of the article.

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Especially World

June 21st, 2013
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Increasingly more people around the world understand that we are living a spiritual change of eras unprecedented and in all of them the universal spirit nor leave abandoned their children. At the present time also a great prophet has come to us men. Through the prophetic Word, Jesus de Nazareth, the Christ of God, who became Golgotha in our Redeemer, has become reality in our time what it promised to humanity 2000 years ago; He said: many things have yet to tell, but now could not understand them. When he, the spirit of truth, will guide you into all truth. (Juan 16,12) This promise is being fulfilled for more than 30 years, because the risen Christ has taken one person and has instructed her to be his Messenger and Prophet.

Through it the spirit of the Christ of God has brought to the world the truth of infinity. So we can say that the risen Christ of God have come to mankind today. Whoever has ears to hear. Who can grasp it that catches him (Mt 11: 15). Especially in Holy week, who not wondering about the meaning of the life of Jesus de Nazareth, by his crucifixion and resurrection? In an excerpt from the great work this is my word, he explains the event of their execution. And literally reads: all this endured it for that redemption could come to all souls and men. Darkness slandered my physical body, mocked him and killed him, but did not separate me from God making me doubt him.

I stayed in my father and the father remained in me. And so came into this world the glory of the father, as light of redemption. And no one can turn off this light of the world.(Cap 82, 17-19). Redeeming light, is the Luz of Christ within us, and since then serves as support to all souls and humans; It is security for the way back to the father’s House. He, Christ, is therefore the livelihood in the soul and thereby the path towards a happy and full life of satisfactions, to what each one longs for and seeks in its existence. Original author and source of the article.

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Solar Marketing

February 16th, 2013
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Diving and ecological baths. That is what from now on will have the residents of the town of Alaquas valencia. And it is that its municipal swimming pool, thanks to awareness of sustainability of its City Hall and the work done by SunEnergy, the Spanish renewable energy business group, has a system of micro-cogeneracion in its facilities that will save them lots of energy. It’s a great energy efficiency system that is simultaneously produces electricity and thermal energy from primary energy contained in a fuel. Something that has been a challenge at a technical level since it had be combined with existing installations of gas boilers and solar thermal support, explains Jana Peiro, Director of Marketing and Expansion of SunEnergy.

For this purpose we have installed a micro-cogeneracion central in its municipal swimming pool combined with a conventional gas boiler and solar thermal installation already exists, add the directive. More swimming ecological well things the heated municipal swimming pool located in the complex sport of the town has opted for the CHP technology which will lead to a considerable saving in energy consumption, thanks to the micro-cogenerador in parallel with the boiler SunEnergy has installed. Existing boilers gas consumption has risen to an annual average of 860,000 kwh in previous exercises. And this counting that already relies on an installation of solar thermal energy with a surface of about 255 m2 useful acquisition?, adds Pere Negre, Director of engineering of Sun Energy. Saving that has needed a detailed study and that has been achieved thanks to a micro-cogenerador in parallel with the boiler. The study of the feasibility of implementation of a team is key when arises to perform a new installation in an existing building and that already houses such complex facilities for servicing the heated swimming pools (solar installation, boilers, deposits of accumulation, water treatment plants, etc.) additional as the micro-cogenerador.

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Portugal Energy

February 11th, 2013
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SunEnergy, the Spanish renewable energy business group, will be present in Expofranquicia 2010 with a stand situated in Pavilion B06 of Lisboa, Junqueira Congress Center. We didn’t want to miss one of the fairs of franchises with greater reference in Portugal, explains Jana Peiro, Director of Marketing and brand Expansion. The string bet by this encounter with the purpose of moving its successful formula of business to the many entrepreneurs who want to bet by an attractive and profitable market niche. During the show we will put revealed the main strategic keys and our business opportunities for those entrepreneurs who want to find a successful business model as it is SunEnergy. SunEnergy goes is important fair with the purpose of strengthening the actions in its policy of expansion after opening in Portugal, in the town of Aveiro, its main headquarters to launch the opening of new delegations throughout the country.

Portugal is a leader in renewable energy sources and for us It is a very important strategic area in which we can find great business growth projections, ends Peiro. Who is SunEnergy SunEnergy is the business group in the sector of renewable energies with the largest presence in Spain, with a network of more than 30 branches scattered throughout the national territory. The main activity of SunEnergy is to implement clean and efficient energy systems that involve a highly profitable economic investment for their clients and that also contribute to preserving the environment. The network of delegations SunEnergy clients are small and medium-sized businesses, individuals and public administrations. In 2008 SunEnergy conducted more than 350 installations of renewable energy, becoming the first Spanish company in number of such facilities. Throughout the year 2009 SunEnergy has managed to consolidate the leadership of its promoter Solar photovoltaic plants on roofs, developing more than 8 MW for an amount approximately EUR 28 million, and with prospects for the 2010 promoting other 22 MW for an amount of EUR 77 million. Sage Communication Press Office and RR.PP for the management of interviews, statements, expansion of information or the sending of graphic material, do not hesitate to contact us.

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Policy Energy

February 10th, 2013
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Much has been discussed about the energy future of the towns, cities and countries, and many have also been arguments that have been exposed. Both has been written and said about the benefits and risks of the application of nuclear energy, for example, for non-weapons purposes, that ordinary citizens already feel somewhat confused. The application of nuclear energy could actually lead us to a safe and workable future, or it will be both the risk of their use in non-combat applications, that will lead us to a future tragic and possibly uncontrollable, escape from our hands?. We must not lose sight that the energy used by the different countries, is applied in a variety of ways, but trying to simplify the problem, however, we consider that in the present-day cities, there are three great activities which uses the vast majority of energy, apart from military activities and space exploration: residential and commercial activity, industrial activity and the activity associated with the transport. In countries such as the United States, according to some published statistics, the first mentioned activity (residential and commercial), consumes one average of a little less than 36% of the total; industrial process-related activity consumes approximately another so much (37%) and if the activities related to transport are realigning them the remaining balance, consumed in the order of 27%. Even and when such distribution is considered from a general point of view somewhat simplified, reaches us to provide a clear idea of the importance of the three basics here considered. Even and when today some theories argue that energy consumption increases directly proportionally to the growth of the economy, can assert itself is unaware of the importance that in consumption have policies, when they are well implemented, relating to energy saving, as well as it is also the rapid evolution of technology when applies adequately and timely.

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Taconic Acquired Xenogen Biosciences Subsidiary Of Caliper Life Sciences

January 21st, 2013
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HUDSON, New York (Marketwire December 14, 2009) Taconic, one of the world leading providers of laboratory rodents, announced the recent acquisition of Xenogen Biosciences Corporation, a subsidiary of integral property of Caliper Life Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: CALP). Xenogen Biosciences is a provider of in vivo drug discovery services, including addressing in vivo and evaluation of compound and the design, production and phenotype of genetically modified animal models. The acquisition closed on December 11. The acquisition allows Taconic expand their capabilities of generation, production and phenotype of model genetically modified through access to new models and the addition of a production in the U.S. site. In accordance with a separate distribution agreement, Taconic also criopreservara, re-sell it and distribute transgenic animal (LPTA (R) models) light production of Caliper, an exclusive line of models that use bioluminescent technology to improve research in oncological, inflammatory, metabolic and endocrine diseases and drug toxicology studies. Imaging studies that these models use lead in a nursery accredited by AAALAC in Cranbury, New Jersey, part of an installation of 50,000 square feet under the agreement.

Taconic also acquires the complete line of services in vivo of Xenogen Biosciences solutions, including genetic addressing, determination of EffiPRO (TM) compounds, phenotype SPCT (TM) profile and the ability to perform optical imaging studies using imaging technology in real-time under a license from Caliper. The acquisition of Xenogen Biociences by Taconic significantly improves its ability to offer advanced and highly cost-effective solutions for drug discovery. The addition of the complete platform of phenotype of Xenogen Biosciences, which includes more than 60 confirmed pharmaceutically and standardized tests within several therapeutic areas, will allow Taconic to provide to its customers the most complete characterization and generation of models of mice available custom solutions. Taconic long time recognizes the value of genetically modified mice and rats models bring to the process of drug discovery.

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