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The Processing

January 19th, 2013
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1But everything doesn’t work well with regard to the use of ICT, paradoxically they have contributed to accentuate every day the digital divide which is no more than the great difference between the minority of developed countries that present a technology deployment that is growing rapidly and most countries that they sink in underdevelopment and they kept fighting for the right to life. The use of the information, PC and Internet technology in teaching and learning processes, can not be construed as a technological means more, but as an agent of profound changes throughout the system, which requires a good projection, planning and political will. Nowadays learning has gone beyond the walls of the classroom of the conventional University, it is a reality that the students and teachers participate in intellectual conversations ignoring geographic barriers. The NICTs have generated a sociological change globally unprecedented and unforeseen by defining the characteristics of the current and future global society. The development of ICTs has made that reality exceeds all expectations and its explosion starts a fact obvious and unstoppable. The set of processes and products derived from the new tools (hardware and software), information media and channels of communication related to digitized information storage, processing and transmission may be called 1 DESARROLLO1.1 the information technologies and the communication is as the technologies of information and communication technology (ICT). 2As example of ICT have television by cable, satellite, video discs, tele? fax, networks of computers, the processing of information by computer, digital switches, fibre optics, lasers, reproduction do electrostatic, TV big screen and high defi? nition, portable phones and new procedures for printing, whose foundations are telecommunications, the in? formatica and audiovisual technology.ICT is a phenomenon that has invaded all sectors of life, from work to leisure, the processes of teaching and learning that are performed at different levels of education, the economy because they allow you to generate wealth at a distance and network overcoming the geographical and political boundaries.

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