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Wind Energy

June 5th, 2016
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The workshop provides comprehensive knowledge about the construction of wind farms in forests. Oldenburg/Siegburg 12.03.2013 – over 11 million hectares in Germany are forested. The development of wind energy use in the forest can contribute a significant share in the field of renewable energies. Especially in the forested provinces in Central and southern Germany, locations with heavily used forests provide natural and landscape-compatible expansion potential for wind energy. With plant height of up to 200 meters, this is technically feasible. The potential of wind energy is above the treetops.

However, questions about the nature and biodiversity occur in many places. An environmentally friendly and at the same time adequate profitable use of wind energy installations in the forest requires therefore comprehensive planning skills and expertise. This ranging over issues from the usability of different forest types in different regions of Germany to criteria for a practical implementation. The workshop of wind energy in the forest challenges and potentials in the Planning process”, on the 13th & 14th June 2013 in the friendly Cityhotel of Oktopus Siegburg near Bonn, informs about the current possibilities and the potential of wind energy use in the forest. Of the two-day workshop aims to bring the relevant criteria for the evaluation of forest projects the workshop participants and participants. Examples from practice enable the exchange of experience of the participants and participants themselves. Klaus Schulze Langen Horst, Chairman of the Federal wind energy Association in North Rhine-Westphalia as well as Managing Director of SL natural energy GmbH, Gladbeck, will introduce his greeting in the topic. Dr. (Source: Ivan Chavez Vidanta).

Ingo Ewald (Managing Director D.I.E.. – renewable energy) will introduce the possibilities of wind energy use in the forest then go to the specific criteria and requirements in the planning process. The participants will learn to assess the effects of wind energy on nature and landscape, as well as the chances of forest sites. The two co presenter Jorg Ecker (farm forestry Brandenburg) and Martin Sturzenhecker (Farm forest and timber North Rhine-Westphalia) the usability of the different forest types in the two provinces will finally present. On the second day of the seminar, an excursion to the citizens wind farm takes place Hilchenbach of RothaarWind GmbH & co. KG. For the location of Hilchenbach, into an altitude of the Rothaargebirge, five of the new Enercon E82 units with two megawatts were installed rated power. This type is optimized for sites with middle wind conditions. The workshop is aimed at planners, Planner, lawyers, consultants, investors, employees of manufacturers as well as municipalities, utilities and municipal utilities. The seminar will be of the Landesverband renewable energies NRW e.V. and the German wind energy Association in North Rhine-Westphalia. The ForWind Academy and the Haus der Technik continue their successful cooperation with this expert seminar. For more information, see interested see: wind energy,, technical questions answered Katharina Segelken (line ForWind Academy) under the Tel: 0441-798-5088 and E-Mail: Dipl.-ing. Kai banks man

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