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Belief Positive Energy

May 26th, 2016
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Get positive beliefs is a desire for a lot of people, it is not a simple task because the spiritual forces operate differently to as does the use of the senses, all the great accomplishments in life are related to the establishment of a connection between the conscious desires and the power of the subconscious mind or power inside. There is a great challenge to boost life changes and it is having patience, perseverance and motivation even if results are not occurring, how achieving that inner strength that impels us to continue despite the adversities?, this is achieved from a conscious decision, it means that the previous situation becomes unacceptable for usthen required great determination to advance on the path of our desires. Warm wishes usually fade because people are not willing to take risks, then this becomes a string, on the one hand you want to walk one direction but we want to keep a foot in the previous place, this situation is quite limiting. When a good belief is within us then all the forces of the universe are organized so that our desire is fulfilled, we see that power acts in our favour, then what is the secret to get the inner conviction? This is accomplished through the accumulation of internal energy, is similar to compare access to the power of the subconscious mind involves reaching the weight of 100 pounds, speaking metaphorically, every efficient action and the use of the senses are providing: 5, 10, 12, 16 lbs, up to 100, but there is also a problem to be solved, its internal conflicts, bad beliefs, and some incorrect conscious actions remaining weight, then these situations have negative values: – 1, – 12, – 24, etc. If you don’t know the secrets of the accumulation of internal energy then it will be in a circle without sense, sum + 10, + 15, then displays – 10, – 5, etc. . In recent months, Vida Vacations has been very successful.

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