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Server Virtualization

November 19th, 2012

Server virtualization is a technique that allows you to run multiple virtual operating systems on one physical computer as if you do have a few machines. The modern tendency to widespread proliferation of virtual machines (VMs or vm in ) demonstrates our commitment to efficiency and environmental friendliness. Data centers use a lot of space and a huge amount of energy especially if you combine that with their accompanying cooling systems and infrastructure. Consolidation and the creation of virtual environments triggers a domino effect. The number of physical machines required to work as a server decreases, which reduces the amount of energy required to operate machinery and space required to accommodate them. Reduction in the number of servers and space reduces the amount of energy required for their cooling. And if you use less energy means less carbon dioxide is produced.

Let him not for Russia but for Europe it is a very important factor. From a financial point of view, virtualization is an important point of economy. This not only reduces our need to purchase additional physical servers, but also minimizes our requirements for their placement. Virtalny server also shows the reduced waiting time included in the of your problem, by reducing the period of installation, configuration and delivery of your server system. Unlike mainframes, pc hardware (a prototype of the modern server) was not originally designed for Virtualization – until recently the entire burden fell on the software. Only in the last generation model of its processors in the x86 architecture, amd and Intel first added technologies that support virtualization.

Unfortunately, both leading processor Corporation created their own technology (AMD-V and Intel vt, respectively) independently, which is why they are incompatible at the code level, although shows similar results. Thanks to the support hardware virtualization entire load on the access control of virtual servers for I / O channels and hardware resources takes processor. Hypervisor (in principle, allows simultaneous, parallel execution of several or even many operating systems on a single computer, and provides for their containment, protection and security) is exempt from performing the most demanding tasks. Virtualization on the cpu level is not happens by itself, automatically. Requires special software, which it would be implemented. However, given how significant advantages that make such technology, software Virtualization inevitably created and perfected.


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