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SEGA Dispute

June 18th, 2012

After much time as leader of market, Nintendo if sees losing space for the new console of the SEGA, the Gnesis popularly known in Brazil as Mega Drive (to see figure 3). Figure 2: Console Mega Drive of the SEGA Source: the Mega Drive was the first console of 3 video-games generation, thus esquentando the dispute with Nintendo. With more power that the NES, the Mega Drive brought one mascote to make front to the Mario. Sonic, mascote of the SEGA, was a ourio with super speed that helped to conquer the children. Such attitude made with that Nintendo reformulated its console and launched Super Nintendo to dispute of equal for equal with the console of the SEGA.

As much Nintendo how much SEGA tried always to be one to the front of the other, as much in the technological part how much in the games that were offered. How much more resources were offered the players, guaranteed they it permanence in the dispute. Many partnerships if had consolidated and others had not left the paper, everything aiming at always to keep the warm dispute and the satisfied players. In this new phase we continue to perceive the cultural evolution where if it noticed charismatic companies with mascotes trying to conquer more players for its platforms and if to keep leaders in the market, where the players whom they folloied the dispute directly enter the two companies always left gaining as each one launched its games, this without leaving of being demanding. 2,4 Digital revolution With the increasing technological advances and popularizao of the digital medias, Nintendo decides to invest in improvements for Super Nintendo, in order to guarantee its permanence in the dispute. The objective age to raise the level of the games making possible to the players the experience of the three-dimensional games, before only appreciated for proprietors of computers.


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