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Mobile Energy Efficiency

May 16th, 2016

On the subject of Green IT focus was long on the location-based data centers and desktop computer. On the issue of ‘Green IT’ focus was long on the location-based data centers and desktop computer. That almost every citizen, especially but also the employees in the company, must be now always available, something out of sight was doing. Each phone, each tablet is a mobile computer, its operating requires energy consumed in particular but also rare raw materials today. Apply every minute around the world already 75 tons of electronic waste from such applications, the energy consumption of a mobile communication is recognized as hardly anywhere.

That almost every citizen, especially but also the employees in the company, must be now always available, something out of sight was doing. Each phone, each tablet is a mobile computer, its operating requires energy consumed in particular but also rare raw materials today. Every minute worldwide already 75 tons of electronic waste from such applications are, the energy consumption of a mobile Communication is recognised almost anywhere. The Green IT discussion consequently now reached the ‘mobile communication structure’ of companies and individuals. Durable solutions and energy-efficient approaches are increasingly also demand: Unified Messaging or unified communication & collaboration (UCC), fixed mobile convergence (FMC), desktop conferencing or voice-over IP – these are key words in the debate increasingly incorporated the themes of sustainability and Green IT. Because the network is operated only with power…

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