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In Rainbows

April 23rd, 2016

Instead of the seventh album as usual trading to publish, it was available only on the Internet, and everyone could themselves decide how much he wanted to pay for it. Some opted to pay nothing for it, as I (but not, because I thought the album was nothing worth, but because I wanted to know whether it was actually allowed), others lay down voluntarily over $ 20 for it. The average reached a selling price of $ 6. In Rainbows”, Radiohead’s most commercially successful album was. In a time where sales throughout the industry crash, Radiohead achieved this enviable figures: the album has a total three million copies worldwide sold as Internet downloads, CD, a Deluxe disc box with the regular album on CD, a bonus CD and two vinyl records, as well as through iTunes and other digital retailers. The Deluxe disc box to the proud price of $ 80 sold 100,000 copies. Before the physical CD on the market came, Radiohead has over the Internet already more money”made with in rainbows as with the sale of the previous album in all formats.

And the tour by Radiohead was the most successful tour of the band with 1.2 million tickets sold. There are plenty of artists like Radiohead, who know how to appreciate it, that they with free reach a much larger audience, from which some one day be paying customers, because they attend their concert, get the T-Shirt of the band or to read and Marvel buy their music. The record companies know only too well that they are losing more and more influence. Some decided by all means to battle their benefice say, relentless pirates to tackle. Many of the smaller labels however implement successful innovative concepts: RCRD LBL, a company that was founded by the Starblogger Pete Rojas, offers its customers free music against advertising. Fortunately German book book price fixing industry not just before its collapse, but for hundreds of authors (and a few publishers), this is no Reason not as free to experiment.

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