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August 29th, 2011

Using a pattern, it is better to apply two-color (black + white) version. The picture may also exist in one letter, and flow from one character to another. 4. Geometry It would seem that more could be done with plain text? An no. He can be another way to apply in shape, consisting of the fact that the text, enclose it inside some kind of geometric shapes, usually correctly, that symmetrical both horizontally and vertically. Most popular of these figures are for an unknown reason the circle and ellipse, slightly less popular square and the 'sausage' (a rectangle with rounded at the ends of files that big angles). Are practically non-polygons angle of more than six. At first glance, the way primitive, but that they have used a fairly large world producers.

Incidentally, you can load the shape and meaning. So round and oval after adding for them parallels and meridians are beginning to resemble a globe and symbolizes the international relations or travel. A regular hexagon may well symbolize the bee products or cellular communication. Placing company name inside an asymmetrical shape, we automatically obtain an asymmetrical logo, ie logo, which has problems with composition. Most often this problem occurs when you try to use triangle, which will always distort the track.

Geometrical figure can not ring-bark only text but also to serve as a form. In this figure itself may be absent, but the text of its boundary recreate it. When you try to format the text figure with an acute angle, just get the text for which there is a significant difference in the size of the letters on the edge and in the middle (on the other side).


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