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Cellular Functioning

April 28th, 2012

Cellular devices are the ball of the time, growing each time more in the PDA paper (Personal Digital Assistant), functioning today also as TV, radio, MP3, agenda, video game, computer, GPS, reader of books, photographic machine and ah, telephone also. But who found that already it was excessively will have another surprise. Next the great utility to the cellular device will be as credit card. The subject is not accurately new. One says of research and concrete tests being carried through since 2007, but the great recent evolution of the access of data 3G, the power of processing of the devices and its popularizao form a scene more favorable to the accomplishment of payments in the system of credit card.

Some technologies already and had been cogitated, but currently most promising she is one that is being tested in the city of Is Jose of the Fields (SP), fruit of a partnership between the Mastercard and the Ita bank. Agency according to Been, 30 a thousand customers will be invited to use the product, that will involve special use of one chip in the cellular one that it will qualify its function credit. Other developments of this rising market involve the alliance between the Cielo (that it commercializes equipment for collection saw credit card for storekeepers) and the Oi for the creation of a company of payments saw cellular. The partnership between the Living creature and the announced Paypal last month also consists of important step confirming the relevance of this market. Beyond potentially extending the market of smartphones and credit card in Brazil, this newness can lead to other interesting changes, as the substitution of the physical money use for lesser payments each time, as tickets of bus or small subway, and other current expenses e. One another very interesting development to read more


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