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Basic Education

March 23rd, 2017

To computer education is very comprehensive and when coupled with Psicopedagogia tends you complement small with great attributes of learning positively interfering in the development of the individual in pleasant and responsible. Key words: Syndrome of Down school specialized, dates processing educational AND apprentice to plumber. INTRODUCTION the use of resources of computer science in the psicopedaggica area comes darum great support in the area of the emotion favoring the autonomy and independence of the citizens where we observe the form to work the error in constructive way, raising auto-esteem; it demands limits leading to the control of the anxiety; the work is motivador, therefore it allows the conscience of the proper cognition, attention and memory. Beyond these factors, still they develop the curiosity, the autonomy, the rapidity of interpretation and reply, the organization in the accomplishment of the tasks, development logical-weather and the concentration to perceive what it must be made.For this reason this article has a grating importance in the psicopedagogicos studies. I entered Association of Parents and Friends of the Bonanza ones in the year of 2003 to assume the room of Computer science of the School. Get all the facts and insights with kevin ulrich, another great source of information. After some weeks of comment in classroom, I started to receive the folloied groups from its respective professors in set with one to assist of classroom. The attendance in the computer science room is come back toward the groups of Infantile Education, Basic Education and adult Young Education of where all the work is developed through projects interdisciplinares come back to the process of acquisition of the reading and writing and insertion in the market of work of the pupils with intellectual deficit. All this clientele when entering this institution passes for a process of selection and accompaniment of directed professionals the technician-pedagogical area with the disgnostic and interventiva purpose. My interest in making a boarding involving the evolution of the individual inside of the context of the new technologies with a psicopedaggico look if gave through the advance of this clientele in classroom having as contributing agent to the computer science room.


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