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Understanding a Typical Petrochemical Company

February 3rd, 2017

Bernardo Gradin of Braskem, Inc. has been successful since its inception in 2002, and he has occupied the position of CEO since July. To delve further into what is relevant to the scope and development of this company, we have considered the interview that made wharton.universia.net Gradimir and precisely where this says, consider that the Brazilian petrochemical industry was formed in the 70s as a result of a government decision that determined the substitution of imports. Petrobras, the state oil company, took over the sector. His strategy was to attract technology companies, most of them Japanese and European, to propose, then the Brazilian businessmen to take third petrochemical company, Petrobras would get another third, and the technology partner with the remaining third . According to this tripartite partnership program, Petrobras would supply the raw material and the Government would encourage the substitution of imports of petrochemicals by introducing a system of tax incentives. This situation lasted until the late 80s.

In the first wave of privatization, Petrobras sold the share he had in the majority of companies Brazilian and foreign companies. The petrochemical sector had a private counseling, but the role of Petrobras was still very important. The problem was the limited number of small petrochemical companies. In the late 90s and early 2000, countless changes in these companies created the opportunity for consolidation in the Northeast. The consolidation, therefore, began that way. From 2001 to 2007, Braskem sponsored seven mergers. Today, there are eight established companies. CPC was first after Trikem and Braskem now represents the consolidation of all these companies Petrobras also positioned with the purchase of Suzano, another local petrochemicals.


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