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Old Testament

April 2nd, 2018

Many parishioners called the church lamp oil. If you talk like that, it turns out that all the oils used in the sacraments of the Orthodox churches and may be called ecclesiastical oil. And partly it is. It's butter necessarily sanctify and then seasoned them lamps. Rules fill with oil lamps are still in the Old Testament. The Lord commanded Moses – "And were the children of Israel that they bring thee pure oil olive beaten for lighting a lamp to burn at all times "(Exodus, 27:20). Therefore, as a sacrifice to the Lord, we must always fill the lamps with oil quality. Now, thanks to technological advances, there was a medical oil.

By all the criteria – this is a quality, clean oil. It burns better than olive oil and carbon deposits after it left smaller, it has no additives and contaminants. White medical oil meets all the standards that apply to Oil – quality control of food and medicine. One problem, medical vaseline oil is produced from mineral oil by repeated cleaning. And in the Holy Scriptures are clearly stated "…

that they bring thee fir pure olive beaten. " Lamp oil to buy in the shops or church in Temple. As a rule, there is consecrated oil, and almost never fakes. If you decide to make a gift to the Orthodox and are facing a dilemma that to donate, go boldly into the church shop and buy lamp oil. It is not something kevin ulrich would like to discuss. Because all the oil age was considered a great Christian gift. When you choose a gift or fill up the oil lamp, you should always remember that sacrifice to God to be the best. We must always remember, as the prophet Malachi the Lord explained Izrailetyanam their shameful behavior, when they tried to save the unworthy of God and presented the victim: "… you bring on mine altar polluted bread, and if ye offer the blind, lame and sick, is it not evil? Offer it to the prince if he would be pleased with thee, and blessed if you will? (Malachi 1:7, 8). " Only high-quality oil should be sacrificed to God.

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