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Kg Datos Solar

March 29th, 2013

The energy that more than 80% of Mexicans used is the LP gas in its submission of 20 Kg tank. All energy have suffered an increase in cost in recent years, the price of 20 kg tank has increased 12% annual average in the past 3 years (prices taken from the Official Journal of the Federation). The trend is evident to the rises in the prices of energy at national and international level and there are no indications of a possible decrease in them, but otherwise, will foresee more increases. It is this one of the reasons why solar energy is resuming growth at national and international level. With a solar heater you do not pay by getting hot water, uses solar energy which is available in most of the national territory, reaches his home every day and best of all it costs you nothing. Take advantage of it. But might be wondering how much savings with a solar water heater? in the year, at which time recover my investment? Really me? is it advisable to invest in a solar water heater? The following alternative energy presents economic analysis of a residential solar heater 150 litres of capacity, which provides service to a family of 5 members.

Solar heater replaces a boiler that uses gas LP, which is supplied by a tank of 20 Kg Datos of analysis: service life of solar water heater: 15 years investment in solar water heater: $8, 780.0MN average annual savings in gas: $3, 315.0MN the annual maintenance cost: $ 200.0MN annual increase in the price of LP gas: 12% average. Price of 20 Kg gas tank: $ 180.0MN results: tanks saved in one year: 18.25 parts. Tanks saved per month: 1.52 average. Return on investment time: 2 years 3 months. Internal rate of return: 52%.


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