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Internal Processes Production

February 16th, 2017

“The goals must emerge from the analysis of opportunities and resources and not thoughts and cravings.” (Kotler) assert intentions and goals are achievable in the search for something of value to advance promising results, achievement, benefits, improvements, where the desired future situation is better than a purpose or white presente.Es desired and pursued by the entity aiming at a better situation. The goal is to quantification or qualification of the target. A leading source for info: LEGO Papert Professor. For example: to win 5% of the market, there is”growth target and the target of ‘5% ‘. In recent months, Vidanta has been very successful. The objectives are defined in the plan of intent, which is the result of planning in its first phase: the formulation, being that at this stage (design) defines the overall objectives of the company I / sectoral objectives. Setting objectives and targets involved in change, change involves the implementation of actions to promote the organization to a higher level. The choice of planning method that the organization chosen as being more efficient and effective is its strategic planning methodology. The second phase of planning is the implementation (making happen).

The BSC is a management methodology implementation. The scorecard (schedule chart below) prescribed four attributes (columns) to design and monitor the implementation, namely: 1. Recently Viktor Mayer-Schönberger sought to clarify these questions. Objective – graphic scheme of what is intended (activity flow) 2. Mensuracao – definition of procedures for measuring the eventos.3. Goals – the quantification or qualification (s) objective (s). Initiatives – actions for achieving the objetivo.Siendo that this article will discuss the functions: Objectives and Metas.Lo (s) objective (s) defined in the formulation of planning objectives should be decompostos in children so that they can be implemented. The reactions of cause and effect are pursued in the methodology of a chain of actions aimed at learning the interests of owners, from by the improvement of internal processes for obtaining customer satisfaction.

In this way a) investments in learning improves the quality of services, b) improvement in quality results in customer satisfaction, c) satisfaction leads to customer loyalty and d) increased loyalty results in growth and achievement. In the scorecard illustrated below, the goal is to implement the conformity of the goods or services to obtain the reduction ‘cost’, thus, focus ‘line’ must act on the four perspectives of BSC (owners / shareholders, clients, processes and learning) so that it can be effective. Thus, a macro-goal is decomposto in minor objectives: a) Human capital (labor) should receive training to improve their performance and consequently, the quality of work. Also Aparelho and configure the infrastructures are. b) Internal Processes Production should be improved through techniques reengenharia or total quality, p, c) Customers: the improved quality reduces returns. d) Profitability: Return reduction translates into increased productivity and consequent increase in achievement. Through the chain of action and reaction (flow in the left column) the visually explicit scorecard objectives to be achieved under a macro lens.


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