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Government System

August 17th, 2013

Solar power can cost between three and five times more than electricity pricing standard. When a user is already connected to the network, other factors such as environmental concerns, are more likely to drive a decision to invest in this solar technology. When it is not connected to the network, solar energy can be an economical solution. Even when non-economic factors influencing the decision to purchase, economic reimbursement of a system can be understood by comparing the initial investment in a base price per watt peak at the expense of other primary energy sources. To further weaken the costs in the price per kilowatt / hour, the investment in the system and the construction of solar panels can be compared with standard electricity rates. This can also provide an estimate of the time that is needed to pay the initial investment. In general, the lower the initial investment, greater is the regular rate of electricity. In addition, the sunny weather, the faster the system that is amortised.

How can the economic equation be improved? -Cost of the Solar energy the cost of a system of 1 kW peak system can vary from us $.UU. between 8,000 and 12,000 dollars.UU., or 8,800 to 13.200 before sales tax and any Government assistance program. The costs of installing solar panels is estimated at 1,000-2,000 U.S. dollars.UU. or 1, 100-2, 200. Assuming a life of 20-year system, and including the cost of finance, this investment can be equal to a price of kWh of 30-40 c/kwhr in sunny and 60-80 c/kwhr climates in cloudy weather.

-Discounts and incentives local utilities or energy of the Government agencies can offer promotions to boost investment in solar energy systems. These local programs may subsidize the cost of the solar system at a 10% to 60% of the total cost, which significantly reduces the cost of the system per kilowatt / hour. financing programs It can reduce rates of 15-20 c/kwhr in sunny and 30-40 c/kwhr climates in cloudy climates–banks financing options can offer low interest loans for the purchase of solar photovoltaic systems and so provide the houses with solar energy. Some lenders may also grant an extension to a mortgage loan for the installation of solar photovoltaic systems. -Value of the electricity generated the economic return on investment for a solar energy system is equal to the value of the electricity generated by the system. As a minimum, electricity from the solar system moves to electricity that is normally supplied by a utility or energy services provider. A utility may also have excess power generated from the solar system, so that the mains electricity meter essentially moves backward.


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