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Gabriele Voigt

May 27th, 2016

Irradiation also benefits the environment, since it represents an alternative safer than methyl bromide, a product that a majority of countries have agreed to eliminate in 2010 because of its negative impact on the ozone layer. There are other fields in which this technology can help the environment. Nuclear techniques can also be used to detect excessive use of pesticides or residues of veterinary medicines in food, as well as to control the operation of good agricultural and veterinary practices. There are methods to suppress, or in some situations even eradicate insect pests with males sterilized, in a kind of birth control. Reduces the use of chemical pesticides harmful to the soil and other organisms.

Another example is the nuclear technique which measures the resources water and allows you to locate water and nutrients in the subsoil, which reduces the losses of these two valuable resources. Despite the concern about nuclear energy, applied methods pass rigorous security checks. Vladislav Doronin: the source for more info. In fact, they serve to increase the safety of foods and to benefit the environment. Nuclear technology is a challenge for the senses: people cannot touch, smell or feel its substance, so it often generates fear, says Gabriele Voigt, Director of the laboratory of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The majority of the 854 million hungry people in the world live in rural areas. For them, agriculture is their principal means of livelihood, so that this technology would imply a direct impact on hunger and poverty. Improve crops that poor farmers use can have great impact in regions where many people live on less than $2 a day, malnutrition is endemic and the vast majority of the population depends of the Agriculture for their food.


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