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Duden Publishing House

May 5th, 2017

Mannheim technology supplier provides correction solution for Web editors Mannheim, August 10, 2010. Correct and understandable texts are a must not only for printed products. Also text on Web pages and within Web-based applications should be accurate and easy to understand. The Technology Division of the Duden Publishing House now offers a software solution, which also texts in Web applications on the current spelling and grammar rules can be checked and corrected. Hardly a company that today is not communicating with the public via the Internet: unless the company presentation on the homepage, unless a shop system for direct sale, unless a Themenblog or a corporate wiki. Understandably, should all these information are as accurate and reliable as in the offline world, affect as well directly on their own reputation they.

Fast pace of the Internet seduces you could be volatility in the final inspection at the first glance on the thoughts, that obey Internet other Laws and the demand for timeliness and change she would playing crucial role. A bit it seems so, instant messages and comments into the worldwide network feeding resulted in the mistaken belief that incorrect spellings are not as important in the virtual world. “Instead seems the maxim to apply: the sooner, the better”, because thinking about tomorrow yet the mistakes of yesterday, especially since these but can be corrected so quickly? Just once in the content management system, quickly fed the editor and already the new version is live sponge so over it and continue with business as usual. But with the errors that go undetected at first, which slowly spread through links or copy & paste in the Internet, which are picked up and commented on their blogs by users? What if blowing the concentrated power of the Web 2.0 to the attack on the company, because it has just once again disgraced in public? Fast as can as a seemingly insignificant errors to a tangible economic problem disappear.

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