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District 9

October 27th, 2011

Despite the fact that this painting criticized far and wide because of the mass of absurdities and inconsistencies, but you must admit that it's really entertaining film. Maybe not all agree with me – it's good (I hope that you express your opinion in the comments) but I have not watched the movie with such involvement. It's just a great, fresh, dynamic tale for adults! Now how this fairy tale about the area number 9 did. I'll start with history. Nile Blomkamp (screenwriter and director / f "District 9") shot in front of it (in 2005) short film 'Surviving in Johannesburg' (Alive in Joburg). Short film 'Surviving in Johannesburg' is the first step of the Nile to the future of the film 'District 9'.

Necessarily Look, if you've ever seen. This is another live example (like a short film '9 'Shane Acker) of how one idea can make a short film destiny. By the way, all the interviews that you see on 'Survive Johannesburg '- it is a real interview. Neil asked real blacks their homeland of South Africa about what they think of blacks Zimbabwe and Nigeria. Blomkamp Nigerians simply represented in the conversation as a 'foreign' who live in South Africa. Therefore, we can see in the short not actors but ordinary people. Now, about the making of the film 'District 9' Almost 90% of the budget movie out of Image Engine. The budget was initially small and almost stable until the the end of filming.

Exceeded the budget quite a bit. 90% of this amount went to the computer effects that make the company Image Engine. The studio had never worked on a full-length movie. All were very much afraid that the Image Engine not up to the task. But thanks to the tremendous knowledge about Neil Blomkamp what can be done for any money, all were happy and the developers and the audience. In / f 'District number 9' there is no digital odezhek. To a large budget surplus, it was decided abandon expensive technology cloth simulation. House of newcomers – this is the real home of poor people who recently evacuated from there. The whole town for newcomers – District number 9 – a real-life district Chiavelo, a suburb of Soweto, a suburb of Johannesburg Soweto it. There among the piles of garbage, poverty, and a barbed-wire fences lived by real people, who shortly before filming was evicted from there. Shootings were specially in winter to show the brutality areas. Since the summer there are flowers, green and so beautiful. To hide the flaws 'hack' using P-ref pass? Among many other passages in the visualization of Image Engine was also used pass P-ref. If the rough, then it is a local fixed / static coordinate system of the character (including clothes, rags, etc.) or another polygonal object. Thus, one can easily find a specific area for character and no matter where he is or what side to turn to us. These coordinates, if you wish, you can use as some kind of UV-coordinates … to stick mattes (a clearly defined area of three-dimensional object that processing technique, peynting Matt (matte painting)), textures … but with only one difference – you will need to make just one, but not hundreds of edits. Read the continuation of an even more surprising facts about the film 'District number 9'

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