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February 7th, 2016

'Blind time falling leaves', perhaps only in poets and fatal romance encourages creative powers. People commonplace, as has been noted by Pushkin, 'days of late autumn obyknovennno scolded. " It is not surprising. Under the feet of dirt on the soul is even worse. Continuously pouring rain wet blanket, the sun was already seems an eternity. Awaken in the morning the whole problem. And after all still need to go to work.

Nervous, in the end, literally everything. Each becomes nonsense cause for the disorder. In the evening, to replay the causeless melancholy, do not want to see any friends or relatives, what pleased yesterday, now seems pointless and unnecessary. There is a fixed idea that life is not failed, and in front of the mere mediocrity and routine. In the fall, as never hurts, and she can not explain why, the mysterious Russian soul, blues and Russian as is sometimes in person, so that there is no strength to live or breathe. Some are looking for salvation in the little white cup, others want to raise the vitality of imported energy cocktails.

The results are the same: a temporary relief followed by an even greater loss of strength and strengthening the spleen, the flimsy problems start to become real. But before saving the first snow and Christmas lights still happy so far away … The doctors explain the autumnal melancholy offensively factly. Because of poor lighting in the body Human decreases production of serotonin – the hormone responsible for mood. From here we have a breakdown, the reluctance to leave home to work. It is true that we of these explanations do not legche.Tak how to survive the autumn? Question complexity is not much inferior to the age-old 'who to blame'? And 'what to do'? His convincing answer to give him company Penza 'Biokor'. People try for themselves designed and manufactured by its 'Biopower', already nicknamed him 'Living water'. 'Bioenergy', which is based on organic beekeeping, fruit extract of Chinese magnolia and rose, with a unique anti-stress effect and raises serotonin levels as well as do plants containing alkaloids of caffeine include coffee, tea, cola, cocoa. The components that make up the drug, make all the body systems work 'at a higher' level, beginning with the formation of energy and finishing its spending across the board. If caffeine alkaloids group operate on the principle of "after us the deluge ', taking energy from other processes and life support without restoring it,' Bioenergy ' always have a supply of permits 'fast' power to spend it sparingly but effectively. At the same time always remains, and quickly resumed 'stock' of energy substrates, which allows to keep fit, good physical well-being, confidence in their abilities. Therefore, 'Bioenergy' uplifting, emotional background, which allows easy transfer of seasonal fluctuations being not lower the performance regardless of the level lighting and weather usloviy.V Unlike alcohol and imported energy drinks, 'Bioenergy' is not addictive, does not destroy the body, but on the contrary, his coaches, in parallel providing a beneficial impact on other functions orgaizma. 'Bioenergy' – this is a convincing answer melancholy of autumn! Your escape from boredom, depression, fatigue!

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