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Altercexa Energy

March 5th, 2016

These prototypes will make possible, more and more, an ample redistribution of the energy. The centralized and vertical radiant flux of the present time will be more and more obsolete. Soon the companies, national, autonomic, local corporations and independent people will become producers and consumers of their own energy. Fifth scene The democratization of the energy will be the point of contact of a new social perspective of the distribution, an empathic perspective. All the men will have the right and the opportunity to generate their own energy at local level and to share it with the others through regional, national and continental interconnected networks. For the youngest generations, educated in a hierarchized and connected society less networks, the ability of to share and to produce its own energy in an interconnected network of open access will consider so much a fundamental right as a responsibility. Immediate expectations I finish practically exhibiting the script of a work in equipment that I am coordinating for years and that as of today we are going to publish and to apply from Barcelona, Spain, for the world.

As it happens with other prospective works many can think. it is very or, all this would be very tuna, but he is theoretical or very in the long term. . Also we know, that this prospection will be only fulfilled with a collective training, coaching with systemic perspective and overcoming the routines defensive that to threaten all change. For most skeptical I propose to them reflect on several manifestations of days ago by Spanish personalities. One of the countries leaders in renewable energies: ” The green economy represents a great potential of future for the generation of occupation, the technological advance and for the competividad of economas.” Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero 12-11-2010 in a previous meeting with industralists to the G-20 ” The axes of the action plan are the diversification, in the next years, of the power plants elevating substantially the contribution of the renewable energies ” Javier Solana 18-11-2010 in an interview of the Public newspaper ” The advisor of Industry, Energy and Environment of Extremadura, Jose Navarrese Luis, is outstanding ” great potencial” in order to generate use that has the production of electricity from forest residues, agricultural or cattle, so that the sector of the biomass can get to create ” miles” of jobs during in the next years in Extremadura. He is ” with diferencia” the renewable one that greater manpower needs for its operation, according to has declared Navarrese in its intervention in Merida in ” Demonstrative factory on the power advantage of residues agroforestales” , organized by the Council of Industry, Energy and Environment, within the framework of the Altercexa project of the Operative Program of Cooperation Transfonteriza Spain-Portugal, that are developing to seven Spanish partners and portugueses.” Merida, 22 Nov.


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