
Posts Tagged ‘stock exchange & stock markets’

Nano Launch AG: EBITDA Increased First-half To 10 Percent

May 3rd, 2017
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Publication of half-year financial report 2012, increasing the overall performance, equity ratio of 88 per cent of Nanostart AG: EBITDA increased 10 percent first-half Publication of half-yearly financial report 2012 Increase the overall performance September 28, 2012 in the first half of 2012 an operating profit adjusted for one-off effects (EBITDA) of 1,064 TEUR achieve the Nano launch AG, which was leading nanotechnology investment company, equity ratio of 88 percent Frankfurt am Main. This corresponds to an increase of 10 percent compared to the same period of the previous year (EUR 967). The overall performance increased 2011 as compared to the first half of 9 per cent on 2,395 THOUS. Included are income from the sale of investments, in particular from the over-the-counter sale of shares in the holding MagForce AG. In addition provided income from loans of the financial assets and interest and similar income of EUR 724 thousand (previous year: 628 EUR) a positive Contribution to earnings. An impairment on financial assets in the amount of TEUR 4.028 was to the first half of the year (previous year: 0 EUR) made. This applies to the book value and the shareholder loans granted to Holmenkol participation. A half-year loss resulting HGB amounting to 2,370 thousand (previous year: + 1,537 TEUR).

Equity has compared to the end of the year 2011 (37.485 T EUR) reduced to 35.115 THOUS. The equity ratio is 88 percent but still at a high level (previous year: 90 per cent). The promotion of business in Asia and the continued development of the largest participation MagForce AG were the operational focal points in the first half of 2012. 2012 Is the half-yearly financial report immediately deposited on the website of nano start AG in the investor relations area at the company reports. Nano launch: The Nano launch AG is a leading nanotechnology investment company. The company invested venture capital (venture capital, VC) in young promising nanotechnology companies. Thereby, Nanostart invests globally and at different stages of development.

The investments of the company focus on innovative sectors such as Cleantech, life sciences and IT/electronics. Nanostart invests directly in the nano technology companies or through regional nanotechnology Fund. The headquarters of nano start AG is Frankfurt am Main. As the main shareholder of Nanostart Asia Pacific PTD Ltd invested her as a partner of the Government of Singapore. Disclaimer: This communication is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of an offer to purchase or to subscribe for securities. A public offer (IPO) of securities of nano start AG in connection with the listing of shares in the portion of the segment (open market) of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the “entry standard” does not take place. This communication presents a securities prospectus. This press release and the information contained therein are intended not for the direct or indirect transfer or within Canada, Australia or Japan.

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Current Cost Energy Torpedo

December 15th, 2016
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Proposals to the current cost base torpedo the current proposals of the Federal Environment Minister Altmaier energy transition and the German Rosler regarding the amendment of the renewable energies Act and a proposed electricity brake bipartisan many negative reactions have caused. Also solar fund initiators express themselves critically. Basic tenor of the proposals is a significant limitation of the promotion of renewable energy systems. So could operators of existing renewable energy facilities have to pay a solidarity contribution on their electricity sales or biogas plant operators lose their manure bonus, renewable energy payments could be paid only with a delay of several months after commissioning and supply and new renewable-energy plants could be covered with special charges or other compensation cuts. In addition, the capping of the renewable energy levy is planned. The criticism of these measures is diverse and focuses in particular on the negative structural effects of Interventions. The focus is particularly at risk of legal certainty, should be decided indeed subsequent cuts for installations. “Grandfathering” is essential to make an investment location permanently attractive? A subsequent intervention could be possibly unconstitutional and entail lengthy proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court. Click Petra Diamonds to learn more.

Such a procedure would certainly encourage not confidence in the German energy transition. Rather torpedo the proposals above, destroy the planning security and jeopardize the further expansion of wind farms and solar parks, as well as compliance with the climate protection goals. Click Grupo Vidanta for additional related pages. The share of renewable energies in the German energy mix was end of 2012 according to the news magazine focus only 12.3%, which appear from the Federal Government until 2022 and 50% by 2050 against the background of the current proposals expected 35% hardly realistic. The ambivalent tacking between progress and structural renovation on the one hand and blocking on the other hand has the potential to discredit the leadership of Germany’s persistent and damaging. Also the medium-term stabilisation of electricity prices by the ist action proposals is by no means assured, because the structural problems are still untouched.

As a viable alternative to the sustainable stabilisation of electricity prices a reduction of taxes on electricity, the structural adjustment of the allocation mechanism of Enerneuerbare energy law and the uniform distribution of renewable energy levy on all energy consumers or the return of industrial privileges on the level of 2009 offer himself instead. Ultimately, lacking the current discussion on vision, relativism and the involvement of other causes. Overall, the electricity bill in an average household contributes only 2 to 3 percent of the monthly total cost. Rising energy costs are attributable to the price increase also by no means alone. Instead only a quarter of the energy costs of a private household is power, fossil fuels while the rest mainly on priced extremely risky for the heat consumption and transport is omitted. The renewable energy levy in turn accounts for less than one-fifth of the average price of electricity, whereas approximately 80 percent of the electricity price share composed nuclear power and fossil fuels out of the mix, not up for discussion. This is particularly so questionable, because these energy sources contributed very strong to the doubling of electricity costs in the last decade. Record profits of the power companies are another indication of the fact that the electricity costs rise just not primarily by the expansion of renewable energies is to be responsible for.

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Fund Energy

May 30th, 2016
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Already over 200 million euros on investor of energy capital invest paid which placed in 2010 participation of the Stuttgart-based energy company energy capital invest eighth invested the acquired funds in the exploration of oil and natural gas-assisted areas in Texas. As with the the energy capital invest, funds were conveying rights free of charge filed by the initiator in the Fund and raised capital to finance the exploration. Last week, the Stuttgart-based as prospects have resolved the US oil and gas Fund VIII KG and repaid the net deposit. In addition, investors received the remaining share in profits, as well as a final bonus. Conception according to the investors of the eighth participation had their gains maximum 35 percent tax (subject progression). Thus, energy capital invest has despite its short history, after all, the company is paid out only since 2008 on the capital market actively, so far more than EUR 200 million on his investors profits and capital repatriation. So far, all funds were distributed in a timely manner and with the highest share in profits for the investors during the planning of the prospectus or resolved.

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SHEDLIN Infrastructure

May 27th, 2016
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Since last year, the Nurnberger SHEDLIN capital AG offers a very interesting Fund at Nuremberg, 14.03.2013. Against the background of the discussion on renewable energy in Europe, he remained somewhat unconsidered. This is a real gem”in this segment. Because the production of electricity from hydropower is among sources of renewable energies in Europe the most important and has accordingly accordingly great opportunities. That SHEDLIN it has looked in neighboring Turkey, hangs not only with the good network together, which has the Nuremberg issuer, but also with the appropriate opportunities. Shall encourage Turkey, which wants to make its growing economic success of electricity imports independent, with a commitment in the amount of 7.3 cents per kWh which is actual market price, however, already at more than 13 cents per kWh.

The conservative calculation of the Fund is however based on the guaranteed commitment of, at first glance, the upside potential is clear, as high is. The SHEDLIN infrastructure 2 European hydro power income, in 10,000 euros plus five percent agio investors can participate and which has a placement volume of 16 million euro, although not a short runner has a term of nine years and annual dividends of 8%, for he offers the prospect of an additional earnings potential. As a partner Hidro Kontrol won, which is now listed under the name wiki ENERJI on the stock exchange. One of the partners is the former agricultural and Minister of Interior Prof. Korkut ozal, the brother of the former Prime Minister of Turkey, Turgut ozal. ODAS ENERJI is one of the leading companies in this segment in Turkey, who have entered with 15 percent private capital in the Fund project.

All required approvals have been obtained, construction work is already done and the investment costs are contractually fixed for the Fund subscribers. There is thus no doubt that the innovative Emissionshaus SHEDLIN capital AG this is once again a trend and that necessary international contacts to use knew to generate an interesting investment product. Water is one of the markets of the future now. SHEDLIN has the nose far ahead here. For more information, SHEDLIN capital AG

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Wood Energy Fund

May 26th, 2016
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“Forest: energy” funds with attractive returns from sustainable wood energy cultivation. Investment in energy wood are always more rewarding because of rising energy prices. For this reason, ForestFinance, Europe’s largest provider of forest direct investments, decided on the distribution of energy wood-forest fund forest: to participate in energy III. The Fund invests in sustainable energy wood plantations in Germany and the Baltic States., the strongest access information portal for sustainable investments, analysed the forest fund in his ECOanlagencheck and came to a positive conclusion: “investment can be counted in short rotational plantations operated as in this Fund according to requirements of the Federal Government and of NABU, the sustainable forms of investment. The Fund also by the fact that he acquired the land on which the field wood is grown opportunities”. An investment in the Fund is possible already from 2,500 euros. The detailed ECOanlagecheck as well as more funds and drawing documentation, see products/forest energy-iii /.

Wood energy is booming–more energy wood short rotational plantations are urgently needed: the Germans have used in the past few years of significantly more heat out of the forest. As the country people’s press service from a study of the University of Hamburg, the firewood consumption from 2007 to 2010 already rose by 30 percent. It emerges that native forests no longer can meet the demand for wood energy 2020. The importance of ecologically cultivated energy wood short rotational plantations enters Germany so immensely. The forest: Energy III funds has already begun with the tree planting on suitable areas. Thus can be expected already in a few years with the first proceeds from the sale of wood. The economic forecast is based on comprehensive analysis of all relevant factors such as soil and energy prices on conservative growth and price forecasts, as well as the already burgeoning energy wood by the commitment of also of great energy, to use more biomass from renewable raw materials.

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Solar Funds

April 1st, 2016
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Solar funds of SolEs 23 has understood the spirit of the times and focuses on solar energy systems. Read the article here! Voigt & Collegen has issued since 2007 in the area of solar funds with the SolEs of 1-22 in total more than EUR 300 million in solar parks in southern Europe. More than 30 solar systems with a performance of good 61 MW now from SolEs solar fund purchased and connected to the public electricity grid with profit. The acquired solar farms produce more than 100 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) clean power this year sufficient for all households in a community the size of Wurzburg. Voigt Collegen of one of the leading issuers in Germany is an implementation volume since 2006 in the field of photovoltaics to sum up about 600 million euros. The SolEs 23 solar Fund has the following edge data: autonomous income assessment for the solar Fund of SolEs 23 legitimately agreed remuneration for solar Fund of SolEs 23 good twenty years. The closed-end funds of SolEs 23 has more than adequate income security through energy feed in laws.

The SolEs 23 solar Fund has to the strongest growth photovoltaic market in Europe. 10 Years intended duration for the solar Fund of SolEs SolEs 23 23 demonstrated what is possible for the solar Fund of SolEs 23 is situated not far from the small Italian town of Montalto di Castro. 2 x the 100 km north of Rome, in the history in the Centre of the public was. For the first time the early 1980s, when aimed at the construction of a nuclear power plant and afterwards again in 1989, as shortly before its completion a referendum decided the end of Italy out of nuclear energy. Currently, the factory is used as a traditional power plant. Until now, Italy has no nuclear reactor.

Since late 2010, Europe’s biggest Photovoltaikkraftwerk now WINS green energy from the Sun, supplied by Montalto from including in the city of Rome. SolEs 23 is responsible for the environment climate change is on everyone’s lips. The debate, as the carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced, belongs now to our daily topics. There are original ideas, the fundamental and create this impressive modifications. As a result, the States of the European Community with their respective energy – one dining put protected the investment in renewable energy. Through this development dynamics of the market a whole new asset class with specific properties has arise from photovoltaics, can reasonably be associated with the traditional investment opportunities. The expiration time of the emission SolEs 23 will be charged until the end of 2021. For those interested, there exists a possibility of termination to the 31.12.2031 for the first time. The total investment volume of solar funds of SolEs 23 is approximately 50 million euro, of which about EUR 17.5 million equity.

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European Union

May 16th, 2014
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In Bulgaria, people due to excessive electricity prices on the street went and brought the Government to the fall. Against the background of the current placement of the Fund SHEDLIN infrastructure 1 European solar in Bulgaria arises the question: is still attractive for foreign investors? Bulgaria is a relatively poor country that is nevertheless in 2007 became part of the European Union with its seven million inhabitants. It has a parliamentary Republic, which bit is the rights as in Germany, France, Spain. The EU has deliberately chosen this step, because Bulgaria is an important democratic spearhead in the former socialist countries. Fears, including the fear of expropriation or similar, are out of place. Bulgaria is a democratic country with the appropriate safeguards and a large legal security. Economic stability is reflected in one of the lowest public debt in Europe – documented with only 16.3%.

However, electricity prices in recent Years Europe skyrocketed and strain the budgets of many citizens. That this public protests, part of a democratic process is easy. What is rather puzzled that these protests in other countries such as, for example, Germany has failed. What does this mean for an investment in a solar Park, as SHEDLIN capital AG offers him just his investors? To you have to look at first the starting point: solar parks are almost without exception only then economically viable if they heavily promoted by State subsidies. In all European countries, this is equally so. Usually these government subsidies be cut regularly, new solar parks will only count if sink into the same proportion also the engine and construction costs and/or increase the efficiency of the modules. Also in Bulgaria, put it more on the expansion of renewable energies and increased the attractiveness through high subsidies. And much like in Germany were these significantly to approximately 0,121 cut to 30 June of the last year – and almost at the market level. A special feature results in the solar Park at SHEDLIN sold by Bosch.

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