
Archive for October, 2013

Internal Acceptance

October 28th, 2013
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The concept of internal energy is not simple to explain, what Yes can say is that the persistent use of conscious actions will produce internal changes and different States, it happens exactly like an athlete who are training, as it progresses in its dedication because you are taking a different body, which is the result of a different mind. Ideas emit a signal or frequency, and then they are power, to avoid the materialization certain levels of this energy, which is linked to the actions, emotions and mental programming is necessary. So you can achieve something is necessary to use power in what he does, between greater focus of all the senses have regarding your idea then faster will be materialized. Us says Steve Alpizar, without the accumulation of sufficient internal energy we are continuously in the attempt, but if you persevere without taking off then necessarily you have to accumulate the level of internal energy for its purpose. When a good belief in our interior then all the forces of the universe are organized to enforce our desire, we see that power acts in our favour, then what is the secret to get the inner conviction? This is accomplished through the accumulation of internal energy, is similar to compare access to the power of the subconscious mind involves reaching the weight of 100 pounds, speaking metaphorically, every efficient action and the use of the senses are providing: 5, 10, 12, 16 lbs, up to 100, but there is also a problem to be solved, its internal conflicts, bad beliefs, and some incorrect conscious actions remaining weight, then these situations have negative values: – 1, – 12, – 24, etc. If you don’t know the secrets of the accumulation of internal energy then it will be in a circle without sense, sum + 10, + 15, then displays – 10, – 5, etc. Then you will notice that you cannot reach the weight of 100 which is the requirement to obtain the inner conviction and get the life you want.

In the book by changing our system of Beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar you will find all the big secrets for the accumulation of power internal to achieve in his subconscious mind installing a new belief, which will be adjusted to your greatest desires, by reading this book you can assess and detect what are the aspects that must be changed in order to achieve the realization of their dreams. Be going round in circles without results is something that tide and thats one of the reasons why many people abandon their goals, now if you are really decided to experiment with changes it is necessary to use all weapons possible to defeat its own limiting beliefs and access to power, really you should see your goals as a great battlethat is willing to fight and to die just to get what they want, some may well say that sounds too fanatic, but sometimes we need to convey to our inner being are our true desires. The accumulation of energy also has a very strong link with our emotions, in the book changing our system of beliefs to achieve the success of Steve Alpizar may know strategies to deceive his mind and associate great emotions to the inner energy flow into you, once you apply the principles of accumulation of energy then it will begin to achieve greater things each day, power acts Crescent shapedimplying that their lives will improve day by day in all aspects.


Real Madrid Barcelona League

October 21st, 2013
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The energy operator of Gas, electricity and maintenance services and assistance, Galp Energia, launches a new promotion that gives Gol TV to new customers who hire the Gas, light and the Gas maintenance service with the company. The gift, valued at 262, includes the decoder device, access card and all of Gol TV quotas until July 2012. The League, the Champions League or Copa del Rey, are some of the football competitions to enjoy people who adhere to this promotion, in force since 18 August until December 31, 2011. To hire him, simply call 902 022 600 or enter New customers who do not wish the service for maintenance of Gas, as well as existing customers of Galp Energia, also have the option of getting Gol Television all season, with very advantageous conditions which may be consulted on the website of the promotion.

To support the campaign, will be held a raffle in the that a single winner will receive eleven innings to see the next December 11 Real Madrid Barcelona League game, as well as an amateur video contest entitled What would you do by watch free football?, whose winner will enjoy a year of Gas, light, service Confortgas and Gol TV free. The bases to participate in these initiatives is available at and on Facebook: OTHER promotions of GALP energy this offer, it is an alternative to welfare plans that the company gift to its new customers with 30 in fuel (in the stations of service Galp energy of the community of Madrid) and discounts on the fixed term of the Gas and the light of up to 50%. More information on these and other promotions at

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Air Conditioning

October 15th, 2013
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Although good weather is resisting reach this time, in a few weeks will have high temperatures here. And, as every year, comes the fear to pass with the invoice of the air-conditioning, especially in big cities and areas where the heat tightened with force from June to September. If your home has insulating Windows and, therefore, good thermal insulation, you can get an energy saving up to 30% on your electricity bill. To achieve a good insulation, it is advisable to equip our housing with insulating Windows that prevent the entry of heat. In this way, we buy less energy when it comes to Acclimate our House in summer and in winter, heat will not be run by these enclosures. We must remember that well insulate a House can lead us to save 70% on the invoice of electricity, something which we will notice, and much on our savings.

Other recommendations to save are:-install awnings on Windows where to receive greater amount of sunlight during the hottest hours. -Lower the blinds and run the curtains in the hours of more heat-set at 26 the temperature of the air conditioning unit air conditioning.-open the Windows when there is less risk of heat BREW at home, i.e. first thing in the morning or last night. The rest of the day, try to keep everything closed.-other appliances that consume less energy, as ceiling fans. At least in some rooms-maintain air conditioning in places where only them in the Sun. If they are on the roof, it is suitable that are covered in some way-not starting air conditioning at one lower than normal temperature, this entails a very important energy expenditure.

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October 9th, 2013
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The biggest injustice that a human being committed against himself is the tolerance against his own ignorance, Flora Rocha. There are only two ways to live your life:-one is as though nothing is a miracle-the other is as if everything was. Albert Einstein not is no doubt that we are energy, that while this active assures us that we are alive, a power that we need to know the use in order to seize the opportunity of life that is given to stay in this dimension. He has been written, that power goes from food to our body, to develop various functions using transformations of energy. Take, for example, a loaf of bread. The bread is made of wheat, which has basically carbohydrates, or stored chemical energy. When you eat bread, our body takes that energy.

You can then, stored, or used immediately for moving, to maintain the temperature, to operate the nervous system. Thus, the body transforms chemical energy in food into energy mechanics (movement), thermal energy (heat) and electricity (transmission of nerve impulses). It should not surprise us, therefore, as Flora Rocha says in, it is very important to recognize the power that we have in our physical body and the spiritual, even though we don’t see it, trying to perceive it is when we start to activate it on our being. At that time they begin to activate all our senses, the mind, the heart. It is an awakening, and even begins to have more power, to feel better in all aspects, to feel more, to hear better, see better. It is a very big change. He says, it is also important that we know, we all have a power Center where we generally receive energy, emotions, sensations and feelings, and is the so-called solar plexus. Physical level can be positioned in our physical body, but in our astral body in reality what we have is a large sphere that is receiving power.

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