
Archive for January, 2017

Silent-PC Computers

January 31st, 2017
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The Silent-PC systems SIZO work with a special processor cooling, which, without noisy fans, and moving mechanical parts and therefore funktioniertt completely silently, without causing any work noise. A silent PC has, if used as a work computer in the office use or as a Multimedia Center PC, through a variety of advantages: the elimination of noise can we avoid stress, protects the nerves and increases the concentration of sustainability and the work! Or you can stop on the PC – very relaxed – stored music or multimedia files without being distracted by annoying and disturbing noises operation. The elimination of fans not only of health-noise, but also avoided the usual dust swirling in conventional computers. In addition, records from the PC systems of SIZO a completely maintenance-free operation, and they save through the consistent use of energy-efficient technology up to 80% energy compared to conventional PC Systems! With its high quality and fine design, add the SIZO PC systems also perfectly into existing stereo and entertainment electronic components. Why even specially equipped Media Center PC series for multimedia and digital TV reception have been laid.

The systems are individually configurable and extensible. Silent PCs silent SIZO from 675th – (RRP), Media Center systems from 1295th – (RRP) at selected retailers and at available. At the Customer completely silent PCs for individual requirements and applications are created. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Mitchel Resnick. The product will be professionally SIZO special loud-and fanless computer systems for professional use such as for recording studios, presentation, film editing and authoring, broadcast and for the medical and Indistruellen purpose offered.


Technology and Learning

January 25th, 2017
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A computer with good software can produce a quality learning with respect to certain work procedures, but also a misuse of this can yield very serious learning difficulties for the student. At times we met people who wonder: Does the use of the media and in particular of computers automatically lead to effective learning. Simply the answer without hesitation is that NO. In this sense, the way it is used, the motivation to provide the adjustment of educational needs, including other issues, is what will lead to better learning. 5 As you purchase a computer culture, society will be better able to solve their problems. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from ConocoPhillips. Computers and Education are not an end in itself nor can we place them outside the social context. At this point analysis is not whether computers should be part or not of the teaching-learning process, discipline or subject, that a large majority agrees, the problem is in what way we can and should help to enrich the work of education of future professionals that society needs? CONCLUSIONS It is unquestionable that the Information Technology and Communication (ICT) are present as part of the technological culture that surrounds us and with which we live. They had a huge impact on all spheres of society, expanding our physical, mental and social, and evolution proceeds in leaps and bounds ever suspected.

ICTs have a major impact on the ongoing teaching and learning, delving into the advantages and problems caused by this new challenge for education, concluding that higher education using technology to prepare students for the workforce that is increasingly technologised and to equip them with learning skills that will last a lifetime. Bibliographic REFERENCES 1 Introductory material to item II in Multimedia for Graduate Education in the Information Society and Knowledge. 2 Gonzalez, AP (1996).


Fundamental Principles Of Air Conditioning Appliances

January 21st, 2017
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With this lesson you will begin your studies on the interesting and lucrative field of electricity known as air conditioning. This lesson deals with general principles of air and how the air affects our welfare. Importance of proper air nature millions of years it took to perfect the air conditioning system of the human body. No matter how ingenious inventions man has applied to the mechanical equipment of air conditioning, has never approached the temperature control, miraculously precise, the human body, and chemical treatment automatic air from our lungs. The very nature reminds us, every minute of the day and night, clean air and the proper temperature are much more important than food and liquid. Nutrition provided by the Air Science has determined that we obtain about 60% of our energy and sustenance (nutrition) in the air we breathe and 40% of liquid or solid food. A man may live 40 days without food and 3 to 4 days without water, but can only live a few minutes without air.

Air is the first thing that calls the human body when it comes to this earth, and is the last thing for which he sighs, before retiring from it. Meanwhile, for if life, the man filled his lungs with air about 23 600 times per day, and consumes more air than liquid food, both by weight and by volume. It is considered that a person eat well if you follow a daily diet of solid foods 3-1/2 lbs, 4 lbs.


Job Satisfaction

January 20th, 2017
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Job dissatisfaction is a driving force for those seeking employment elsewhere. When evaluating your employment it is important to distinguish between the work you do and your workplace. Do you find purpose in your work? Are you driven by passion or necessity? All work has purpose. All work has value. You’re the best person to assess the value of their work.

The value of their work depends on whether their needs are being met. Are you passionate about your work? You may be working in their chosen profession, even with a company you’ve always wanted to work, and you can still experience moments of job dissatisfaction. a Those are some of the areas to consider in evaluating their work and work environment. How much autonomy do you have when its job? Each has a different comfort level when their independence when working. It is important that you be aware of their need for autonomy or the degree of management you prefer.

Do you have the opportunity to improve your community? If your workplace is not currently participating in the community may be the architect of a new program that allows you and your colleagues in support of outside organizations. Community involvement will increase their satisfaction with the perceived value of their work and have worked in the organization Does your work provide social contact and help you maintain or increase their social skills? If the work you do not require enough interaction that then maybe you can look at their place of work for other opportunities to socialize. Participate in organizations at home will provide a social outlet, which can help develop a sense of belonging within the company and can be very useful with networking. Do you work your challenge? Maintain current capabilities and develop new ways of using them can help keep your sense of satisfaction. The development of new skills not only build your self-esteem, but that can improve their ability to contribute to the company where you work, and increase their opportunities for advancement. Compensation in terms of monetary rewards is perhaps the easiest of the criteria that you can look at when determining the value of their work. Since we live in a commercial company, with our basic needs met is a common measure of the value of our work. What takes into account the need is for you. Our personal identity are often intertwined with employment options do. If you feel dissatisfied with their employment options, it is important to remember that you have purpose and that have a value beyond measure.


Edson Arantes

January 19th, 2017
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; /I never had symptom d some type of illness mine I greet I am immense not ha nothing that I do not eat Jesus I am ' ' minha' ' redoma is it to me to protect I does not only make to rain but, to garoar I already made when I asso the nose MAKE EQUAL THAT I WANT TO SEE. ; /I made a square shaped ball That the round one did not give. ;. The CBF approved and the FIFA accepted silenced With the approved invention Skin to know wanted me and arrived at saying me::: ' ' Its inventions are brilhantes' '! I said:: Its Edson Arantes, MAKES EQUAL THAT I WANT TO SEE I eliminated the Spain and the others of World-wide the All they play None of them badly Only follow me I myself have the morning Never played pra to lose and if you to want to know, My teams you are ' ' I and goleiro' ' I am the only artilleryman MAKES EQUAL THAT I WANT TO SEE. ; /


The Seas

January 18th, 2017
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Odyssey) In this stretch is clearly that the poet asks for inspiration to the muses to count the history of a hero? Odisseu? what peregrinou for many cities and Islands, suffering provaes since that undid the walls of Troy and raised the fury of a god? Posidon. Variant of the epic one, the characteristic form of the narrative can be presented as that one where a narrative one counts a history with personages who if involve in actions that transcorrem in some space, during a definitive time. The film the Odyssey is a good example of this variant. The plot is based on the attitudes of Odisseu and its friends, where each attitude has a consequence and the sets of facts go if succeeding and unchaining conflicts. The narrator is the proper main personage, Odisseu, and tells its impressions on history. Valley to remember that the narrator is not the author of history.

The space where the actions transcorrem are the seas, islands and cities covered for the personages, in the transcorrido time of ten years. As well as in the classic epics, in the film deuses also is presented as real beings that help or harm the hero. The perigos faced for Odisseu are faced with bravery and courage, but it would not have possibility to survive if he did not receive aid superior as example, of Atena. Exactly knowing to be impossible to run away from the provaes imposed for Posidon, Odisseu not fraqueja, the all time searchs to fulfill its destination and is devoted, therefore, as human being superior, extraordinary, worthy of being immortalized by its facts. Example of this is when arriving the Land of the Facios it not to present itself for the name, therefore the same it was cursed, and alone in counting its facts, he is recognized. The probability is present in the flmica narrative with unchaining of the events, with ' ' logical and coherent organization them fatos' '.


GmbH Business

January 16th, 2017
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ATVISIO award 2013 Henkell & co. Sektkellerei KG and lift management specialist Hundt consult GmbH Wiesbaden, 05.12.2013 – business intelligence provides many ways to put the company on course for success with business data. The customer projects at ATVISIO are always some particularly outstanding to honor them, presents the award annually the well-known performance management service provider best project of the year”. Cost-benefit ratio for the customer, applied technology and innovation are focus of jurors in particular criteria such as content concept, sustainability of the solution. At the end of two customer projects have convinced among the numerous approaches especially, so that ATVISIO could give the coveted double this year. Henkell & co. Sektkellerei KG in Wiesbaden and Hundt consult GmbH in Hamburg received the award for excellent carried out business intelligence projects. Henkell lets the corks popping the Henkell & co.

Sektkellerei KG in Wiesbaden is one of the leading providers of sparkling wine, Wine and spirits in Europe. Henkell is present in 20 countries with own companies and exported to more than 90 countries worldwide. Futurist has compatible beliefs. It was time to bring the controlling of the international investments under a solid business intelligence roof. When the consulting experts were invited by ATVISIO at the beginning of the project to Wiesbaden, surprised not only the impressive architecture of the venerable master seat, but also the thought out specifications and the solid concept of customers. Classic financial data for the planning, the optimization of the internal reporting and consolidation were needed. There were also solid performances in terms of software: the project should be with the open source suite Jedox are implemented. Henkell was going to take the topic of business intelligence largely self-taught in the hand. It was for ATVISIO above all, ways to show and the required best-practice “pulses to set.

The in-house project team was completely convinced of the support. The ATVISIO method is the first that has brought us to immediate success”, it was said at the end. Now, ATVISIO has the best project of the year award”probably another reason to celebrate it. With business intelligence, Hundt Consult goes all the way up escalators and elevators must work smoothly and request an always watchful eye from the building management. Large real estate, such as shopping centers, Office and residential complexes, left operating and management therefore at best a professional. The elevator management specialist Hundt consult GmbH from Hamburg is a very advanced way: he puts in the so-called elevator management on business intelligence and that if necessary even via Smartphone and tablet. The BI platform by Cubeware on basis of Microsoft Analysis Services is used as the technical basis. With business intelligence compliance test dates and the fulfilment of obligations arising from contracts can be kept after much easier”, so Daniel Ehlers, one of two managing directors of the company. Industry is Hundt Consult the only vendor using business intelligence the Quality of service can objectively and quantitatively measure, display, and analyze services. This innovative and focused on the core business use of business intelligence has completely convinced the award team at ATVISO. The surprise about the best project of the year award”was very large in Hamburg. We have not expected now at all”, says a visibly enthusiastic customer.


Expansion Of Salesforce Competence Through Partnership With H + W Consult

January 8th, 2017
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The entero AG and H + W CONSULT in the future common approaches. For more specific information, check out 10Gen. The entero AG and H + W CONSULT in the future common approaches. In the framework of the agreed partnership, existing and potential new customers will benefit from the combined experience and capacity of the two companies and offer consultation to in-depth development expertise around Salesforce. Over 400 realized projects of Salesforce and more than 30 certified Salesforce experts make H + W CONSULT a reliable partner. Our competence is the implementation of Salesforce CRM and the integration with ERP systems.

We have built a lot of technical capacity in this area and were looking for a partner which accompanies these projects with experienced consultants and professional project managers.”says Prof. Dr. Michael Capone, CMO at H + W. About Henning Heesch, entero Executive Board: This cooperation enables both companies to focus on their core competencies. With the industry and experience of H + W and our process and solution know-how can the potential of Salesforce CRM in the Company optimally exploited.” About F + W CONSULT H + W-CONSULT was founded in 2001 and is a global solution integrator with experience of more than 400 projects with the SFDC platform. F + W is a Platinum Alliance partner with 33 certified employees and project management offices in Dusseldorf, Hamburg, and Ramallah. about entero AG the entero AG is an integrated business and IT consulting.

We accompany our clients from conception up to the successful implementation we deliver. As owner-managed, independent company we help our clients for more than 12 years successfully sustainable to make often their home value chain with SAP and Salesforce as core competencies. Our focus is in the manufacturing industry by the ambitious middle-class up to the DAX-listed company. Among other things, we are working for ABB, Bombardier, Daimler, like Recaro, Siemens. Since 2011 is entero Germany partner of Keneos Europe, one of the fastest growing SAP consulting networks Europe. Through this cooperation, entero sharpens his profile for international projects and major orders. With more than 1,100 experienced SAP experts, SAP process fields is deliverable to the point the network for all high value.. contact information: Peer Andres entero AG Mergenthalerallee 55-59 65760 Eschborn phone: + 49 6196 77125 803 fax: + 49 6196 77125 603 E-Mail:


Global Agenda

January 2nd, 2017
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In that then write an article entitled: I BILLION FROM 6000 “, which reads out on 20 September 2000, which can be read on the link: this, again making some already expressed in the same or in another entitled” from Okinawa to Hokkaido PRIOR TO SCALE IN SAPPORO, whose wording finalized the July 10, 2008, available on the link:, which is the pre Cimera dedicate ourselves in this communication-Documents issued in L’Aquila from 8 and 10 July in 2009, are available in English language on the site. (As opposed to Petra Diamonds). from all the documents issued, subject to not neglect the rest, and perhaps for our own agenda of concerns highlight the titled “Responsible Leadership for a sustainable future “(RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE), the entitled” Promoting the global agenda .

(Promoting THE GLOBAL AGENDA), the entitled” Declaration of the leaders of the largest economies in the Forum on Energy and Climate “(DECLARATION OF THE LEADERS ON THE MAJOR ECONOMIES ENERGY FORUM AND CLIMATE), and entitled “Chair’s Summary,” a kind of summary of all proceedings. For more information see Petra Diamonds. The first document, as referred to in the last term were issued by the G-8, which is worth remembering is composed of government leaders from Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain, United States North America and the European Union. Learn more at: Grupo Vidanta. The second document (Global Agenda), and the leaders of the G-8, was signed by Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Egypt and Sweden, as Presidency of the Council of Europe. The third document (Declaration of the leaders of the largest economies in the Forum on Energy and Climate), plus the G-8 leaders was signed by Australia, Brazil, China, Indonesia, South Korea, Mexico, and South Africa.
