
Posts Tagged ‘planning & architecture’

Energy Performance Certificate

August 26th, 2016
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1.12. all homes are under a new scheme to evaluate. From 1 December 2012 the EAVG to 2012 into force according to the pending decision in the National Council and it does in itself. Now is the seller or lessor thereby obliged to indicate the energy efficiency of the building also in advertisements. The omission of the document of the energy so far meant that an energy efficiency corresponding to the age and the type of building is considered agreed. Now there are tougher. The buyer or existing employees can Court assert his right to card delivery failure or even an energy performance certificate and share the costs for the seller. Also new is that administrative sanctions are now provided, should there be any energy document.

Also for breach of the duty of disclosure in advertisements, fines are planned up to 1,450 euros. The energy performance certificate new has some new obligations and rights, which we are pleased to inform our customers. This is the free Available energy saving hotline: 0800 / 201550 “, has the weight. Managing Director Bmst. Dry Harbor Nursing Home has much to offer in this field. ing.

Edmund Drohojowski Ahrens and support. Best conditions after thirty experience in chimney renovation Ahrens Schornsteintechnik is one of a few construction companies possessing the necessary know-how in two key areas for the creation of energy performance certificates: on the one hand in the engineering building, building codes, etc. AND on the other hand in the technology of the heat generator and combustion plants”, emphasizes Managing Director Mathias Ahrens. Therefore, the leader in chimney restoration is authorized to Austria and predestined to create the energy performance certificate for existing and planned buildings. The pricing of the energy card fits right into the philosophy of Ahrens. Here, too, it means absolute quality at fair prices. So the a certification for a single-family house costs about 390 euro. Energy performance certificate the main idea of the energy performance certificate provides clarity about the total energy efficiency of buildings and sheds light on the calculation of the heating energy demand. Held in the energy performance certificate is also a total measure of energy, as well as recommendations for improvement. The goal of the EAVG (energy performance certificate template law) is to increase the energy efficiency of buildings, especially the housing and the tertiary sector (business building, public buildings) for over 40% of energy consumption are responsible.

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Transport Of Heavier Things – The Truck Helps

April 28th, 2016
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Different models for different requirements Tussenhausen, August 13, 2010 most commonly seen sack BARROW whenever such drinks are delivered. In the blink of an eye, several crates are loaded and uses. This protects not only power, but also time and also nerves. A modern transport company can not do without the sack BARROW, why is here worth a purchase. Thus the use in the industry takes place, just everywhere where heavy loads over short or medium distance are. That happens less in the private sector, but also the investment may be worth in a few years. When moving a device useful turns out. In everyday life at home and garden owners, transport often and much.

Also garden soil is easy to transport with a hand truck. Of course, there are large differences in the type and design. The material can largely decide the quality, but is not used as the sole factor. More details are on find, before making the purchase worth a visit here in any case. This explains also the functioning of a hand truck. Namely the big advantage is that the weight in the best case rests entirely on the wheels and can still easily be pushed.

A very good model, a heavy weight disappears seemingly without a trace. The transport cart is related with the hand truck and occurs more often in the private sector. Almost every garden owner has a wheelbarrow, which is here as well as on a construction site is essential. In this area, there are different models, which are inexpensive to purchase. The most expensive car is not always the best. Differences can be established most subtle in use. Also folding sack BARROW, requiring little space tucked away are practical. Who needs a means of transport of this kind only once, which can rent just a sack truck. Here to save money, but the forces can be spared. Operator profile Scheidle design is the starting point on the Internet when it comes to proper implementation of media and factual issues goes. As also in the printing sector, the information on the point is brought and clearly presented. The concept of Scheidle design involves both content and appearance of this, so that the highest added value is offered to the visitors and customers. Information be presented factually, but not dry. Press contact: Web projects Scheidle design Wolfgang Scheidle by-Stein-WEG 8 86874 Tussenhausen (c) Fadi Tsilimekis – August 2010

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Green Energy Houses

March 31st, 2016
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An Energieeinsparverordnung is understandably more expensive than a house building according to the “EnEV” regulations. A bottom plate down-insulated, triple insulation glazing and a higher insulation of pitched of roof represent an expense that must be paid, but ultimately worth. Finally, quality has its price! Seen in the long term an Energieeinsparverordnung has considerable advantages. What you’re now investing savings in the future. Zero-energy buildings, passive houses and Plusenergiehauser a passive house requires as a further development of the low energy House substantially less energy for heating and hot water than a conventional new construction.

The compact structure is characteristic of passive houses, the living rooms facing South ideally. The sunlight can be effectively used in this manner. A passive house has an air and wind-proof building envelope that is insulated and free of thermal bridges. The cold outdoor air does not penetrate into the energy, the hot indoor air is prevented from leaving the building. Among other things an innovative three-pane glazing is responsible. The frame is insulated, so that the window to absorb solar energy, which is then stored in the walls. A special ventilation system provides fresh air. Who owns a passive house, may waive mostly a conventional heating system.

Drinking water heated by solar panels or heat pump. A more efficient energy is the zero-energy House. The external cover of the energy is completely absorbed in this case by the own energy gain, for example by a solar system. Zero energy homes have large, pointing to the South and at the same time unbeschattete window surfaces. The ratio of surface to volume conversions low. The facade, the roof, the Windows and the doors have a high insulation value. The building is largely sealed. The zero-energy House is the evolution of the passive house. In addition there are also buildings that produce more energy than they need. In this case, one speaks of a so called plus energy House. These houses are even no external power, but completely self-sufficient. A Hybridhaus hybrid homes causes no heating and energy costs. For example photovoltaic systems available are for energy production. Among other things a special geothermal technology is generating heat. Those who opt for a Hybridhaus, requires neither gas nor oil and fueling climate-neutral. The hybrid homes are highly isolated.

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Prefabricated Houses

April 1st, 2014
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A prefabricated house without “Plastic bag” or “Breathing machine” is using the House-possible in principle of the House. The company bio-solar house of St. Alban / Rhineland-Palatinate shows how it’s done. A House does not necessarily is a house where already wallpaper, tiles or sanitary objects done at panels mounted on the construction site are supplied. Advantage of this construction is that the individual carrying scaffolding elements already at a qualified wood construction can be produced before and thus significantly reduces the development time.

Of course, a prefabricated house by bio-solar house is one from many houses of types of: each House is individually planned and can be optimally aligned to the own needs. Also the stage can be chosen freely and individually agreed that initially only the supporting structure is “ready”. The term “Prefab” is a partially negative image from the past. Simple, clean design, poor insulation and poor summer thermal insulation was said to him. Although in inexpensive prefabricated houses these prejudices rightly still exist the bio-solar house as a prefab House but significantly this differs: in addition to high-quality, untreated wood, as well as high-quality and efficient thermal insulation of soft wood-fiber and cellulose which reached “House – in-house” U-values, including air space and outer sheath of 0.09 W / m K and has a heating energy consumption between 10-25 kWh / m a.

The solidity of real estate and prefabricated houses in the next few years, will be more and more of the total energy demand. An argument, what for a prefabricated house for the home-speaks in the House – design! Air – and steam-proof as this build the trend in the House with a “plastic bag” and to “ventilate” ventilation machine more and more builders are critical. Conventional, single-layer construction facing extreme heat insulation a dilemma: is the thermal insulation must be well built steam-proof and the ventilation system is almost “a must”. Is that Thermal insulation can be omitted less well on them. Through the protected House-the House principle the company bio-solar house can be dispensed with both: A well insulated, vapour diffusion Open House is in an air space and a partially glazed Aussenhaus, which is heated by the Sun and diffuse light. The water vapor produced in each House can leave the Interior house through the warm layer of air as dry gas the House thereby naturally without to condense it. More information about the exact functioning and the prefabricated house program, refer to the company’s Web site. In the sunny Park St.Alban, the pattern home park for bio-solar houses, offers the company a total 6 the per-dwelling houses.

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