
Posts Tagged ‘noticias-actualidad’

Easy Team

June 28th, 2024
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EP second coach of Real Madrid are not trusts his rivals. Wednesday they are premiered before Dinamo Zagreb in Croatia. The second coach of Real Madrid, the former footballer, Aitor Karanka, has appeared at the press conference prior to the match of Champions League this Wednesday will face joint merengue against Dinamo of Zagreb, a rival on which Karanka estimated that they would be mistaken if they think the easy team of the group. It is a rival always with quality, which for many years that they are not in the group stage. We will create many problems, so we will have to give the necessary level to get points here. Get more background information with materials from Mitchel Resnick. We would be mistaken if we believe that it is going to be the easy team of the group, said prudent vitoriano on Dinamo Zagreb. On the arbitration controversy in which it has wrapped Real Madrid since the arrival of Mourinho, his second on-board valued before there is no complain of anything.

If something has the mister, or I, or anyone, is that he has said what What’s going on. The other day there was an error in our favor, and Mourinho recognized him 30 seconds. Abigail Black Elbaum pursues this goal as well. We just want to talk the game, defeats or victories of the team, and nothing else, had settled. We are still waiting. Depends on how are the players, the owners of the other day and those who not played. There is nothing decided on the eleven, Karanka he confessed about the once which will pop out to the playing field to gain the first victory in the fight for the precious Romaine. The debut of the meringues in this edition of the Champions League may not be followed in situ by his coach, since the luso is fulfilling match ban.

About the place from where Mourinho will see the encounter, his right hand confessed that tomorrow will decide as decided in its day in Barcelona. He can not enter to the locker room in the area of the stadium. The rest is securely tied, ended. The technical owner of the entity of Concha Espina, Portuguese Jose Mourinho, not He attended the press conference to be sanctioned for his comments at the conclusion of the party’s first leg of the semifinals of the last edition of the Champions League. Karanka: “We would be wrong if we believe it is going to be the easy team of the group”.

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British Prime Minister David Cameron

December 14th, 2016
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ZP points out that what happened in Norway requires a shared European response. The Spanish President meets with the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, to analyze the economic horizon of the EU. The President of the Spanish Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, has called this Monday to the EU’s leaders to mobilize against the bigotry and xenophobia, and it has been considered that Oslo would be the appropriate place to make an act of democratic affirmation in this regard. Zapatero has dndido that European reaction after the massacre of Oslo, at the press conference that has offered in London alongside British Prime Minister David Cameron, after the meeting that both have maintained in 10 Downing Street to discuss, among other issues, the economic horizon of the EU. It’s believed that Petra Diamonds sees a great future in this idea. The j of the Spanish Executive pointed out that what happened in Oslo and the island of Uto is already a very serious fact that requires a shared European response and which should not be let pass the time to respond to the same.

In the opinion of Zapatero, this response that not only should be given in the field of international cooperation in the field of security, but must also be political and starring js of State and Government. Spain collaborates with Norwegian services Zapatero, who reported that Spain is working with Norwegian services, has insisted that what happened in Oslo is one of the most serious events that have lived on European soil and the EU must demonstrate that it is a collective guardian of coexistence. After explaining that in recent days millions of people are wondering how it is possible that occur a fact of these characteristics, it has pointed out that is not the madness which leads to fanaticism, but is the fanaticism that leads to murderous insanity. Norway suffered from this Friday, July 22 the first political attack in its history. And double-entry. The first attack was a bomb explosion at 1520 h in the Government District of Oslo that resulted in the death of at least eight people and wounded dozens. The second was a shooting on a nearby island to the Norwegian capital, Utoya, which killed at least 68 people from a camp of the youth wing of the social democratic party. Norwegian police has lowered this Monday the death toll of 93 to 76, although he continues to search for more fatalities on the island and under the rubble of the center of the Norwegian capital. Source of the news: Zapatero calls for a combined response by the EU against xenophobia

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Minister Energy

March 8th, 2016
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The Environment Minister German has announced it. Seven will be off already, six others in 2021 and the latest three, in 2022. It is of a final decision: there will be no review clause. It would be the first industrialized country which renounced nuclear energy. The Government of Germany has agreed to close all nuclear reactors in the country for the year 2022, as announced this Monday the Minister of environment, Norbert Rottgen, after a meeting of several hours between the forces of the ruling coalition.

According to the indicated timetable, the seven oldest reactors of the country – which were the subject of a moratorium after the nuclear accident in Japanese Fukushima-1 plant – and the Kruemmel will no longer operate, while a second group of six will close in 2021 and the most modern three will do so in 2022. It will be the first industrialized country which renounced nuclear energy. Despite this decision, Rottgen has explained that the tax on the spent fuel rods will remain in force, Although he has not specified when. Thus, the Government hopes to raise some 2.3 trillion euros a year. In addition, the Minister has clarified that it is a final decision, so there will be no review clause, despite the fact that some political parties had requested that the measure could review in the future. German industry has already warned that premature closure of nuclear reactors could have some disastrous consequences, especially if not arises as an alternative to replace the energy that produce, representing 23 per cent of which is consumed in the country. In this line the Chancellor, Angela Merkel, was manifested before entering the meeting. I believe that we are on the right track, but there are many doubts that resolve.

If you want to kill something, you also have to say can we get a durable and sustainable energy supply, he said, quoted by the BBC. Precisely, to solve a shortage of supplies in the event of renewable energies and the fossil fuels are not sufficient to meet the energy demand, the coalition has agreed to maintain in cold reserve until 2013 one of the reactors.

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Professional Football League

September 18th, 2013
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The Professional Football League denies having record of this meeting. The footballers Union ensures that it is a step back. The AFE called a strike for the first two days of League. Both organizations will meet on Wednesday in Barcelona (10.00), in a statement, the Association of Spanish footballers (AFE) reported that no member of the League of professional football (LFP) has attended this Tuesday the meeting scheduled in Valencia, which the other party refused to have consistency, both with respect to the place of celebration of the exact time. The AFE felt the absence of the LFP in this encounter as a step backwards to the possibility to resolve the current situation, the narrow margin of time, while Jose Luis Astiazaran, President of the League, sent a burofax an hour ago to the strike Committee, said at the LFP, in which urged the Union to prove the alleged call to today’s meeting. The Board of Directors of the AFE said in his note that He received the unilateral announcement of the LFP to the meeting on Wednesday in Madrid via e-mail, and recalls that prior to the communication received this Monday, had another appointment scheduled and agreed on today (Tuesday), in Valencia, and that the Wednesday meeting was to be held in Barcelona, on the occasion of the dispute of the return of the Supercopa of Spain match. After the communication submitted on Tuesday by the LFP, AFE President responded by the same means of communication, which called on the members of that body to keep the meeting scheduled for today, it emphasizes AFAITH, that says that it has not received any reply to the communication sent on yesterday. The AFE also insists that it will always maintain a stance of dialogue and conciliation before the serious situation facing the Spanish footballers, and advocates the responsibility of the parties involved, in order to achieve a solution to the current situation.

For its part, the LFP has responded through a burofax signed by Jose Luis Astiazaran and sent to the strike Committee, which, in addition to deny that he had received a call for the Tuesday meeting in Valencia, has affirmed that, in the absence of call for its part, repairing his silence on the matter, it has fallen to this partin an exercise of responsibility, set up the meeting with the strike Committee as soon as possible. In that regard, the League urges the Union of players to confirm the strike Committee assistance to our call, August 17, at 10: 00, at the registered office of the LFP. The burofax, Astiazaran recalled that from the moment of notice and throughout the development of the strike, the strike Committee and the LFP are obliged to negotiate to try to reach an agreement which put an end to it. Pursuant to this precept, hold any meeting on the sidelines of the Committee of strike and ignore that it is the appropriate body by AFAITH, as convener of the strike, to understand how many negotiations have to be developed in relation to the reasons for the strike, would entail a clear delegitimization of the same, that this party is not willing to admit in any case, continued the President of the LFP. The AFE announced a call for strike to the first two days of League the past day 11. Source of the news: the AFE ensures that the LFP has not submitted to a meeting scheduled Tuesday in Valencia

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Raul Martin Presa

September 4th, 2013
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I hope that Aguirre Esperanza us provide a help because we are going wrong, said Sandoval. Aguirre said that he was aware of the difficulties that were happening in the vallecano club. We know that you have spent a season of great difficulties. From the community of Madrid we will do everything possible to make you turn to celebrate to the Puerta del Sol, commented the President of the community of Madrid. Exchange of gifts the joint vallecano thanked the institutional homage with the delivery of two new t-shirts signed by players both Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon and Esperanza Aguirre.

In turn, both the female and male set were presented with commemorative plates. Two players have signed the manifesto of the outraged other anecdotes of the day came when two players in the squad took advantage of the visit to sign the manifesto of the camping in the puerta del Sol, as reported in the social network Twitter communication Commission. Since the Commission’s communication of the camp have ensured that all of the template wanted sign, but which have failed since they were in an official act. They have not stopped to sign players from the beam. Two of them, however, have done. They have not stopped them to sign because they were in an official act, advised the Commission that it did not provide the name of the two signatories. The players charged the monthly payment for may on the other hand, club sources have confirmed that the players of the first template rayista have gained a monthly payment of their payroll, the corresponding to the month of may, which is subtracted from the amount which the club owes them, yet a high percentage of their salaries. Ray must be up to date on payments before 30 June, deadline imposed by the League, and from address still promising that to this day all the delays will be borne. The club already has various demands and could not meet payments, cannot be enrolled in first division, rising won on the field of play, since there would be the administrative descent. In this regard, Raul Martin Presa, new shareholder of the club, said today in the team celebrations for promotion to first division, which is working to get the necessary funds, and on June 30 the payments to the first template, Quarry, feminine and club staff will be carried out.

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