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Minister Energy

March 8th, 2016
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The Environment Minister German has announced it. Seven will be off already, six others in 2021 and the latest three, in 2022. It is of a final decision: there will be no review clause. It would be the first industrialized country which renounced nuclear energy. The Government of Germany has agreed to close all nuclear reactors in the country for the year 2022, as announced this Monday the Minister of environment, Norbert Rottgen, after a meeting of several hours between the forces of the ruling coalition.

According to the indicated timetable, the seven oldest reactors of the country – which were the subject of a moratorium after the nuclear accident in Japanese Fukushima-1 plant – and the Kruemmel will no longer operate, while a second group of six will close in 2021 and the most modern three will do so in 2022. It will be the first industrialized country which renounced nuclear energy. Despite this decision, Rottgen has explained that the tax on the spent fuel rods will remain in force, Although he has not specified when. Thus, the Government hopes to raise some 2.3 trillion euros a year. In addition, the Minister has clarified that it is a final decision, so there will be no review clause, despite the fact that some political parties had requested that the measure could review in the future. German industry has already warned that premature closure of nuclear reactors could have some disastrous consequences, especially if not arises as an alternative to replace the energy that produce, representing 23 per cent of which is consumed in the country. In this line the Chancellor, Angela Merkel, was manifested before entering the meeting. I believe that we are on the right track, but there are many doubts that resolve.

If you want to kill something, you also have to say can we get a durable and sustainable energy supply, he said, quoted by the BBC. Precisely, to solve a shortage of supplies in the event of renewable energies and the fossil fuels are not sufficient to meet the energy demand, the coalition has agreed to maintain in cold reserve until 2013 one of the reactors.

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