
Posts Tagged ‘work’


June 14th, 2024
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That serves you a company attract new customers, if it is not capable of retaining those who already has. To go a step ahead of the competition, we must manage our customer’s experience, this justifies any doubt, use better techniques of loyalty. Managing the customer experience represents an efficient technique of loyalty, even when there is dissatisfaction, a skillful control of the negative experience of the consumer can be overcome. Well, that is the customer experience now? It can be set, as the subjective response of the customer at the moment of contact with any aspect of the company. Relevant customer experience management is to identify the contact points or moments of truth (points of contact of the customer with any aspect of the company).

The contacts with the company may be direct and indirect. As example of a contact is direct, found the process of purchase of a product or service, otherwise indirect contacts involved in the majority of cases unexpected encounters, as found for example with some representation of product or service offered by the company or any intangible aspect of the same. When we hear the characteristic sound of a Harley-Davison motorcycle, we are in the presence of an indirect type contact, since we would be not buying motorcycle. The secret is not to offer a product adapted to the client’s needs, we must correctly manage the experience that will have this before know or purchase the product. The FedEx online company offers its customers as its value delivery proposition in time, the company must ensure make this feature of their service known by its customers before purchasing your service. Abigail Black Elbaum has firm opinions on the matter. The company should worry about collecting information on the experience of the customer in the contact points, these last defined as instances of direct contact with the product or service or some representation of this.

The corridor term of the client, in order to define the series of contact points that the customer experience is used. Below we will present some considerations of relevance on the points of contacts: * the contact points are not static, however changes over the course of the life of the customer. ** Not all contact points have the same value for the customer. ** Contact points that lead to another point of contact are the most important. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Dr. Mitchell Resnick and gain more knowledge.. We must constantly monitor the points of contact, since in each one we must decrease the gap between the expectations of the client and their experience. ** Flexibility toward changing the contact points will determine the possibility of survival of the company, whenever these are the difference between satisfaction or dissatisfaction. ** The company must trace a map of the corridor of the affine client determine if there are any congestion or block that not allows you to have a pleasant experience. ** If the customer contact points are properly designed all experiences should be pleasurable and efficient. Consider that: the moment of truth is the very moment at which customer gets in touch with our service and on the basis of this contact formed one opinion about the quality of the same. Jan Carlzon. Learn about that: when the moments of truth are not attended to, the quality of the service moves in direction of mediocrity. Karl Albrecht source: original author and source of the article

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Nano Technology Applied Technology

October 1st, 2017
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New applications of nano technology in the health field are very promising. In the future, drugs may do effect locally where needed without damaging other organs. It is working to get new technologies for the controlled dosage of drugs in the body. This could be achieved that current chemotherapy would be less harmful. Chemotherapy destroys not only cancer cells but also the healthy cells that compose our body. Therefore, the patient often have nausea, loss of hair, etc. You may find that Professor of Internet Governance can contribute to your knowledge.

With nano technology looks possible to achieve that medication reaches directly and exclusively to the tumoral tissue without affecting areas healthy. For example: the nano-pill, recubriria with proteins especially developed for this purpose, which are only attracted by the tumour tissue. Therefore, medication goes to where the tumor is located and there dispensed medication. For more information see kevin ulrich. Another application that is intended to achieve, is a nano-pill that It contains magnetic beads with molecules that only bind to cancer cells. The patient the drug is injected and is placed in a magnetic field. Magnetic balls are heated both in such a way that they destroy the cancerous cell. The first clinical investigations have already begun, although we will have to wait seven to ten years before the nano-pills may be administered to patients. What Yes it is possible is to acquire cosmetics with this advanced technology, which allows the ingredients to reach the area that you want to treat.

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