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Original Consumer

January 2nd, 2016

This reality requires that once and for all, the management conducive which markets management enter to consider new trends of the market that favors you with new rules of doing business, as well as understand that consumers are in the process of learning new ways of buying and they are getting used to the new products offered. The new consumer is increasingly informed and with more options, so it becomes more demanding and searches for products and services with more added value what before even had dreamed with get, but with higher quality of service (spare parts, delivery, change, etc.) at a price competitive and with easy access to the… It should be also present in addition, that in this new stage the traditional 4 P of marketing (product, price, promotion and place) s do not have changed radically, only are enriched with new approaches and targeted formulas to know better the consumer through a greater rapprochement. Nor is you must lose sight that this approach through the technology must be to strengthen the emotional bond between the brand and the consumer. No matter the product or the use that gives the consumer, what matters is the bonding that is established between the brand and the consumer benefits that this offers you either real or emotional. Definitely, the Venezuelan company, if you want to have an effective participation in the new scenarios, needs its management of markets try to keep up-to-date with new topics and trends in markets that have been given, as well as new trends in the requirements of the needs of consumers, it has given passage to new paradigms according to developments that have had the markets. Management must identify which represents know to handle digital marketing, viral marketing, organic marketing, CRM, direct marketing, marketing one by one, among others.


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