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January 4th, 2016

In all likelihood very soon everyone happy owner of a home theater in your home can enjoy all the benefits of 3D-products, and in every home will be broadcast live telecast in 3D-format. Already on horizon is clearly visible prospect of 3D-TV, and subsequently can even complete the transition of television channels to the 3D. First you need to understand how it all did work 3D-technology. All systems are working in 3D, use the natural property of human vision and the creation of this effect for each eye (right and left) creates a separate image. Existing at the moment stereo displays can be divided into two basic types, according to the principle on which a picture is formed: Stereo displays relating to the first type, form an image in polarized light, and, for each eye, the image is formed under different angle of polarization. Rays pass through the polarizing filters with different characteristics, each of which transmits the rays of one polarization while delaying others. This 3D image viewer can well receive, regardless of its location relative to the screen, but without the use of special glasses, the picture loses its depth and volume, and that is exactly what should be its main advantages.

The second method separate images for each of the user's eyes – the formation of two different frames are not simultaneously but successively. In this case, the use of special active glasses, which allow alternate block images for each eye. This method has its drawbacks. In particular points require autonomous power source, and its periodic recharging. Likewise, this method makes high demands to the display, to eg NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision, one of the last advertised stereo systems, requires the use of displays with frame rates of at least 120 Hz. Of the two, the above methods, namely the first is the most appropriate and promising at the moment, as a method of forming a three-dimensional images with simple polarizing filters do not require the additional equipment stereo glasses with IC chips, and a source of supply.

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