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Information Online

June 22nd, 2013

To take advantage of to the maximum the information the doctors and phamacists, being provided greater capacity to the equipment of pharmaceutical marketing is digital or conventional. To improve the efficiency and the effectiveness obtaining more information on its injunctive needs of the doctor and dispensation in pharmacies for a better technical advantage of the personnel of medical promotion and sales to pharmacies. To increase to the retention and the fidelity of the doctors and phamacists providing to the medical visitadores or representatives all the information that needs to satisfy or to surpass the expectations. The e-mailes with a high content of pharmaceutical marketing must be oriented to social marketing. To work resources of the pharmaceutical industry in professional form in order to develop strategies of pharmaceutical marketing online. To fortify the knowledge of this new half computer science of communication and transaction. The communications online for doctors and phamacists have become a necessity for the incorporation of new professionals eager for information and to the specialized pharmaceutical industry in carrying out effective actions of Digital pharmaceutical Marketing. Pharmaceutical marketing online, unlike the traditional methods, of promotion supposes one great competitive advantage at the time of analyzing the reach, costs and the possibility of monitoring results.

If we analyzed the investment realised in means of promotion of intangible we will be able to observe that pharmaceutical marketing online has covered great part with the needs of the pharmaceutical industry thanks to its effectiveness and return of investment (ROI). Within the strategies of pharmaceutical marketing online, we considered that the attainment of new doctors and potential phamacists and the loyalty of the dispenser or existing prescribers and will serve to improve the level of sales as also their policy of mark or branding. The results will be directed to the professional development of doctors and qualified phamacists (leads), with a major and effective interaction between the pharmaceutical industry, medical and pharmaceutical, obtaining the longed for loyalty and a greater satisfaction of dispenser prescribers and.


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