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May 22nd, 2017

Find products of affiliate programs that meet these needs 1. If there are 2 related affiliate programs. Level 3 committees. Contact with the owner to negotiate commissions 4. See the quality of the product 5. Form and frequency of payment of commissions as 1 will seek them.

By search engines 2. Directories of affiliates (Ej.ClickBank) 2. Registration enter the data needed to take part in the affiliate program you can register 1. In a directory of affiliate (Ej.ClickBank) 2. In the program affiliate of the owner of the product 3. Test verify that the affiliate program is registering clicks and sales you can test it by several clicks on your links and view in the program if these tests are checked. 4. Promoting forms of promotion 1.

Direct traffic without own web site send with your link of affiliated directly with the product. In this case do not need a own web page and can be performed in forums, sites of articles, video, etc. 2 platforms. Blogs own is convenient having a blog generally with the domain of our name. In the write thing more often possible, contained about news or important information to be sent from our email messages and that are always visiting our site where we will be at the same time promoting our products. The best blog is WordPress since it allows to have a fully particularized domain. It also allows us to interact with prospects through performing and comments which will respond. 3 Landing page instead of sending the product directly, previously sent to one page itself where we will place a form to capture the prospect. When full then by the autoresponder form directs them is the sales letter. In this way if they do not buy you can then send emails.


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