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Academy Director Arne

May 21st, 2017

imbus Academy welcomes their anniversary training participants Mohrendorf, 9999 training participants have successfully already 16 December 2013 at their training on the imbus Academy. Thus she is one of world’s the most experienced training providers in terms of software QA and test. Today participants Jan Peukert did complete the myriad. At the start of the seminar, he was surprised by Academy Director Arne mug with a Franconian gift basket. In addition, time for a few questions on the Jubilee course visitors was also short. Allen: Five days of training to the ISTQB certified Tester advanced level Test Manager. Your first course day has just started.

Why did you put on the certified Tester? Jan Peukert: because you leave may be as a tester on it, the most important basic knowledge conveyed to get. The certified Tester glossary is the standard vocabulary in the industry. Who is not firm in the terms, really hard is in communication with colleagues and clients. Speaking of customer: my experience is that they of testing service providers the certified Imbus Tester as a prerequisite expect.”: how important education is for testers? Peukert: Very important I think, just as important as in the most demanding professions today. For me, training in addition to the knowledge transfer have but still a second, very important benefits: I meet colleagues from other sectors and companies and can replace me with them professionally. Ultimately that is frankly me almost a greater incentive for the course than the mere acquisition of certificate.”imbus: for the seminar you are extra arrived from Lindau. Have you visited before training at the imbus Academy? Pai: I did Yes, the foundation level even at Allen.

Then as in-house training on site at my previous employer and now just the test manager training directly from Allen in Mohrendorf. I had looked on imbus.de, where and when the Academy offers the Test Manager course and the appointment looked super.”imbus: the imbus coaches are testing experts from practice and teach in training next to the also, how are the methods the put into practice theoretical background can. You hope to benefit from the Test Manager course directly for your work? Peukert: The practice produces himself on two levels. In the course we get equal examples from practice with the hand that is a level. The other is the debate within the training participants. How do you specific situation testing? What experiences they make in their daily work? For example, to obtain a monitoring of its people, which approaches the other test manager? Exciting, that brings me new impulses. I listen to the practice and draw equal links to my work.” Interview: Fiona Proll


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